FG400 Isolated Arbitrary/Function Generator

The FG400 easily generates basic, application specific and arbitrary waveforms with a sine wave frequency range of .01 µHz to 30 MHz.  Output waveforms consist of Sine, Square, Pulse, Ramp, Parameter-variable, Noise (Gaussian distribution), DC and Arbitrary.  This unit includes isolated outputs that allow the user to use it in the development of floating circuits, like motor drives, inverters, power supplies and other power electronic devices.  In addition, multiple units can be synchronized together to generate up to 12 phases of output.

Buy the FG410-D Directly from Newark 

Buy the FG420-D Directly from Newark 

Free Fundamentals of Power Poster

Basic Waveforms:

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Advanced Functions:

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Input/Output Terminal:

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  • FG410: 1 channel. FG420: 2 channel
  • Output waveforms: Sine, Square, Pulse, Ramp, Parameter-variable waveform, noise, DC, and Arbitrary waveforms
  • Frequency range: Sine wave 0.01 µHz to 30 MHz
  • Amplitude resolution: 16 bits
  • Sampling rate: 120 MS/s
  • Output: 0 to 20 Volts, peak-to-peak
  • Synchronize up to 6 units to provide up to 12 output channels
  • GPIB and USB Interface
  • Generate waveforms acquired by Yokogawa's ScopeCorder and DL Series Oscilloscopes with XviewerLITE software
  • Warranty period for this instrument is 3-years

751537-E2 Rack mounting kit

lnch rack mounting for one FG400 unit

751537-J2 Rack mounting kit

Millimeter rack mounting for one FG400 unit

751538-E2 Rack mounting kit

lnch rack mounting for two FG400 units

751538-J2 Rack mounting kit

Millimeter rack mounting for two FG400 units

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