Which eSATA and USB External Hard Drive is Compatible With the ScopeCorder?

The following eSATA and USB external hard drives are compatible with the ScopeCorder:
  • Buffalo HD-HS500SU2 500GB
  • ELECOM LaCie d2 quadra LCH-2D1TQ 1TB
  • Logitec LHD-ED1000SAU2 1.5TB
  • LaCie 301848U USB 2.0 Neil Poulton 1TB Rugged XL eSATA


  • eSATA HDDs must be connected and powered ON first before the ScopeCorder is powered ON
  • External HDDs need to be in FAT32 format for the ScopeCorder to recognize and access the HDD (Please read the FAQ entry "Why Can't the ScopeCorder Detect or Format my eSATA Drive?" for instructions on how to format the HDD to FAT32)

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