How to Test to IEC Standards Using a Power Analyzer & Harmonic Flicker Testing Software

This video demonstrates how to test to an IEC standard (IEC 61000) using a Yokogawa Test&Measurement WT5000 Precision Power Analyzer and the harmonic flicker testing software. The software automates the process of judging if the device under test is compliant with the chosen standard and allows you to output the necessary test reports for your records.

How to Test to IEC Standards Using a Power Analyzer & Harmonic Flicker Testing Software | Yokogawa

This video demonstrates how to test to an IEC standard (IEC 61000) using a Yokogawa Test&Measurement WT5000 Precision Power Analyzer and the harmonic flicker testing software. The software automates the process of judging if the device under test is compliant with the chosen standard and allows you to output the necessary test reports for your records. Learn more about the WT5000 Precision Power Analyzer: Learn more about the harmonic flicker testing software: _____________________________________________________________ Connect with Yokogawa Test&Measurement on LinkedIn: Meet the Precision Makers at Yokogawa has been developing measurement solutions for 100 years, consistently finding new ways to give R&D teams the tools they need to gain the best insights from their measurement strategies. The company has pioneered accurate power measurement throughout its history and is the market leader in digital power analyzers. Yokogawa instruments are renowned for maintaining high levels of precision and for continuing to deliver value for far longer than the typical shelf life of such equipment. Yokogawa believes that precise and effective measurement lies at the heart of successful innovation - and has focused its own R&D on providing the tools that researchers and engineers need to address challenges great and small. Yokogawa takes pride in its reputation for quality, both in the products it delivers - often adding new features in response to specific client requests - and the level of service and advice provided to clients, helping to devise measurement strategies for even the most challenging environments.

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WT5000 - Precision Power Analyzer

  • Up to 7 wattmeters (modular)
  • 0.01% of rdg + 0.02% of rng
  • DC to 1MHz
  • 4 motor inputs
  • Harmonics testing to IEC 61000-3-2

Power Analyzers and Power Meters

Measure characteristics of devices that generate, transform or consume electricity. Also called power meters or wattmeters, these devices measure parameters such as true power (watts), power factor, harmonics, and efficiency.

Precision Making
