How to use SNTP on DL850 ScopeCorder
The sequence below is very important for SNTP to work properly.
1. Set DATE/TIME and GMT Time Difference to your location FIRST. EDT is -4 hours, EDT is -5 hours - as examples.
2. Set a SNTP Server for GMT in SNTP settings ( in New York City for example - this is GMT, not EDT or EST);
3. Set up TCP IP as usual.
4. Under SNTP function, press ADJUST .. this must be performed as the last step.
让我们来感受世界一流的横河示波器:自1988年首款机型面世以来,YOKOGAWA一直不断创新,致力于电力电子、机电一体化和新能源等前沿行业专用示波器的研发,近期又推出全新DLM系列示波器,既有面向低成本市场的4CH MSO示波器——DLM3000系列,也有业界全新的8CH MSO示波器——DLM5000系列,在由智能控制的消费电子和工业驱动等电路设计的众多领域中,成为全球工程师的首选工具。