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Power Analyzer Accuracy and Basic Uncertainty Calculator

1. Importance of Accuracy: In power measurement, understanding accuracy is essential for obtaining reliable measurements. Accuracy reflects the proximity of a measurement to the true value, which is the accepted standard. The difference between the measured and true values constitutes the error.

2. Understanding Systematic Measurement Errors

  • Gross Errors: Typically due to user mistakes, such as incorrect instrument settings.
  • Measurement Errors: Arise from the instrument or measurement system itself, including measurement probes and current transformers, internal losses, and calibration related errors.

3. Quantifying Accuracy

  • Relative Error: Expressed as a percentage relative to the measured value or the instrument's full-scale range.
  • Absolute Error: Denotes the direct difference between the measured and true values, often expressed with a plus-minus range.

4. Factors Influencing Systematic Measurement Errors:

  • Measurement Reading: The expected measurement value obtained from the instrument.
  • Measurement Range: The voltage and current input ranges of the instrument as configured for the application.
  • Frequency: The fundamental frequency of the voltage and current signals.
  • Power Factor: The ratio of real power to apparent power.
  • Proper Configuration: Ensure the instrument is correctly set up for the specific measurement task, including selecting the appropriate range and filters.
  • Regular Calibration: Periodic calibration of the power analyzer is vital to maintain measurement accuracy over time.
  • Understanding Specifications: Carefully review the instrument's accuracy specifications, noting the conditions under which they apply. Uncertainty calculators can assist in converting relative error and measurement settings to worst case absolute error (guaranteed absolute accuracy).

5. Steps to Use the Uncertainty Calculator:

  1. Download the Calculator and open the appropriate sheet for the instrument you’re using.
  2. Input Data into the yellow-highlighted fields:
  • Voltage and current readings
  • Voltage and current measurement ranges
  • Frequency
  • Power factor

The calculator will automatically display the corresponding uncertainty values.

Learn more about how range affects accuracy here.


功率分析仪 WT500


数字功率计 WT300E系列

WT300E系列数字功率计是久负盛名的横河(Yokogawa)紧凑型功率计的第五代产品。横河的功率计产品在确保能耗标准和电气设备功耗测量的领域中长期扮演至关重要的角色。 WT300E系列包括:WT310E单相输入型;WT310EH单相输入/大电流型;WT332E 2输入单元型;WT333E 3输入单元型,精度为读数的0.1% +量程的0.05%。 WT310E提供的电流测量功能最低到50微安左右,高至26安培RMS,能够轻松支持客户测试自己的产品是否符合能源之星、SPECpower 、IEC62301 / EN50564等标准 ,进行电池和待机功耗等低水平电压测试,使用WT300E系列无疑是这些应用领理想解决方案。

示波功率仪 PX8000


高性能功率分析仪 WT1800E系列

精度 – 在同类功率分析仪器中, WT1800E能保证功率精度达到“ 读数的0.05% + 量程的0.05%” , 它可以执行多达500次谐波分析(50/60Hz基波频率)。

可靠 – 测量需要重复执行并需要追求准确性。WT1800E稳定性极高, 无论现在还是将来, 都可以确保完成精准的测量。

灵活 – WT1800E不但拥有最多6输入通道、 宽量程显示和分析功能, 还可以和电脑相连接,能在功率效率和谐波分析领域为客户提供广泛的测量解决方案。

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YOKOGAWA数字功率分析仪,性能优越、测量可靠,支持各种应用,非常值得拥有。尤其是YOKOGAWA WT300E功率计,在全球功率计市场上口碑与地位日益跃升。

Precision Making

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