Test and measurement engineering work groups can have differing priorities and requirements, which often results in multiple instrumentation systems and data file formats, as well as incompatible reporting. This lack of effective communication between groups and instruments causes decreased efficiency and quality and increased spending and time to market.
Unify test and measurement instrumentation, software, and data across engineering teams with a suite of solutions that caters to the different needs of engineering work groups, including accurate power data, fast sampling rates, long recordings of multiple different input types, and insights into waveform data.
将高响应的大触摸屏和传统的示波器面板相结合, 4到8通道DLM5000混合信号示波器让用户通过指尖触控,即可轻松浏览丰富的分析功能。
横河高分辨率示波器DLM5000HD系列,体验YOKOGAWA创新的强大功能,将测试和开发 提升到新的高度。
YOKOGAWA数字功率分析仪,性能优越、测量可靠,支持各种应用,非常值得拥有。尤其是YOKOGAWA WT300E功率计,在全球功率计市场上口碑与地位日益跃升。
让我们来感受世界一流的横河示波器:自1988年首款机型面世以来,YOKOGAWA一直不断创新,致力于电力电子、机电一体化和新能源等前沿行业专用示波器的研发,近期又推出全新DLM系列示波器,既有面向低成本市场的4CH MSO示波器——DLM3000系列,也有业界全新的8CH MSO示波器——DLM5000系列,在由智能控制的消费电子和工业驱动等电路设计的众多领域中,成为全球工程师的首选工具。