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702915 Current Probe 50 MHz/ 0.5 ARMS, 5 ARMS, 30 ARMS

702915 Current Probe

Frequency bandwidth: DC to 50 MHz

Maximum continuous input range: 0.5 Arms/ 5 Arms/ 30 Arms

AC and DC current probe for Oscilloscopes, ScopeCorders and other waveform measuring instruments

What is a Current Probe?

Current probes allow you to measure DC or AC current while testing devices with electronic circuits' operation according to Ohm's Law.

How To Use Current Probe 702915

Before measuring, check that there are no problems with the instrument or the measurement target and that measurement preparations have been taken.

1. Pull the sensor opening lever to open the upper jaw.

2. Align the direction of the arrow of the current direction mark indicated at the sensor tip to the direction of the measured current, and clamp so that the conductor is at the center of the sensor aperture. Low potential side (ground potential side) High potential side

3. Hold down the sensor opening lever until the JAW UNLOCKED indication disappears to lock the upper jaw. The JAW UNLOCKED LED turns off. 3. Operation Procedure 33 IM 702915-01EN

4. Check the LED status of Junction box. It is normal if the POWER LED and one of the RANGE LEDs are lit.

5. Press the range up/down keys of the junction box to select the current range (0.5 A, 5 A, or 30 A).

6. The current waveform can be observed on the waveform measuring instrument. The output voltage rate of the 702915 and 702916 is 10 V/ A (0.5 A range), 1 V/A (5 A range), or 0.1 V/A (30 A range), depending on the current range selected. Convert the voltage sensitivity of the waveform measuring instrument to current sensitivity.


To Measure with High Accuracy

Offset voltage fluctuations of about 1 mV may occur when opening and closing the jaws. If you want to measure with high accuracy, follow the procedure below. At this time, if a large impact is applied to the sensor head, the offset voltage fluctuation may increase, so operate the lever slowly.

1. Press and hold DEMAG/AUTO ZERO for about 1 second. Demagnetization and zero adjustment are performed.

2. Wait about 5 minutes for the offset drift to stabilize.

3. Use the opening lever to open and close 4 or 5 times.

4. Clamp the conductor to be measured.

5. Short press DEMAG/AUTO ZERO to perform only zero adjustment (not press and hold).

6. Measure the current

Bandwidth: DC to 50 MHz; current measurement: Max 0.5 Arms, 5 Arms, 30 Arms.
The probes cover 3 range of currents (0.5 A range, 5 A range, 30 A range) and can measure wide range current (100 μA to 30 A).
10x more sensitive than previous models 701917/701918.
Slim and light weight sensor head makes it easy to use in narrow spaces.
Input current range can be easy switched by pressing the key.
Zero-adjustment and Demagnetization can be done by simply pushing the button on the junction box.
Demagnetization can also be done by holding down the DEMAG button for a quicker setup.
Powered by the DL’s probe power supply terminal.*
The probes are also compatible with the 701934 probe power supply.
Current values can be read directly on DL series and DLM series instruments. Using the current probe selection menu eliminates the need to enter current/voltage conversion values.(Except 0.5 A range of 702915 and 702926)

*Current probes’ maximum input current may be limited by the number of probes used at a time.
For detailed information, please check Current Consumption in Details at the following URL


  • Standby current of home appliances, ECUs, industrial equipment
  • Inrush current of motors and generators
  • Testing of medical equipment
  • Research & Development at Universities



Precision Making

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