720220 16-Channel Voltage Module Repeating Data Behavior for the DL850

If the only active module in the DL850 Chassis is the 720220 16 Channel Voltage Module, the waveform data file (ASCII or WDF) will NOT contain repeated samples. If multiple modules, including the 720220, are installed in the DL850 chassis, the waveform data for the 720220 WILL contain repeating data. The channels on the 720220 module will still MUX. If all 16 channels are active and the sample rate is set to 200kSa/sec, then each of the sub-channels will run at 5kSa/sec. 

When saving the waveform data to an ASCII or WDF file format, if you wish to prevent the 720220 module from repeating samples, do the following:

  • Disable all modules other than the 720220
  • Save only the 720220 channels to a single file
  • Save any non-720220 channels to a single file

Please download and view the files provided, for examples of repeating and non-repeating sample data.

  • FILE_A.CSV is an example of repeating 720220 data, in which all channels are saved 
  • FILE_B.CSV is an example of non-repeating 720220 data, in which only 720220 channels are saved 
  • FILE_C.CSV is an example of non-repeating 720220 data, in which all non-720220 channels are saved (assuming you did not overclock any modules)

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