The DL9000 MSO models represent Yokogawa's third generation MSO, built upon the Best in Test award-winning DL9000 platform. It contains the most hardware/acquisition, display, and analysis capabilities of any MSO. To address the increasing complexity of the embedded market, the DL9000 MSO models can simultaneously monitor four analog channels, thirty two logic inputs, the decoding of two independent serial bus protocols, and four real-time math traces. Furthermore, Yokogawa's advanced data stream engine (ADSE) ASIC guarantees the least dead time of any MSO under the same settings. With our exclusive "History Memory", the Yokogawa MSO is ideal for troubleshooting anomalies.
Two primary challenges in developing a MSO are correlating samples between the logic and analog inputs, and maintaining waveform update rate (minimizing dead time) as various oscilloscope functions are enabled. The DL9000 MSO models are unsurpassed in these areas. Whereas logic hardware on many MSO’s are an afterthought, the DL9700/9500 is designed to always match sample rate and memory depth between the analog and logic channels. You can trust that signals are correlated, plus unrestricted 5GS/sec logic sample rate means the least amount of timing uncertainty. Unlike other vendors, the DL9000 MSO models' waveform update rate is unaffected when using logic channels.
High-Speed Display and Updating at up to 2.5 Million waveforms/s and Megawords of Data from 4 Analog + 16/32-bit Logic Inputs with the least compromise.
You need a fast waveform update rate to maximize your chance of catching that infrequent waveform variation. You also need an oscilloscope that doesn’t become sluggish and unresponsive with processor intensive functions or deep memory enabled. Yokogawa’s Advanced Data Stream Engine (ADSE) is unmatched in this area. Logic channel inputs, and even bus display mode, won’t affect the update rate, giving you the best possible real time display and analysis of mixed signal waveforms.
Maximum update rate:
25,000 waveforms/sec (2.5kW, Normal Trigger Mode)
2,500,000 waveforms/sec (2.5kW, N Single Trigger Mode)
Maximum update rate in math mode:
60 waveforms/sec (1 MW, when performing channel addition)
12 waveforms/sec (5 MW, when performing channel addition)
Maximum update rate in parameter measurement mode:
60 waveforms/sec (1 MW, when measuring a channel’s maximum value)
16 waveforms/sec (5 MW, when measuring a channel’s maximum value)
Note: The above rates can vary depending on the oscilloscope settings.
Debugging mixed signal circuits requires an expanded set of capabilities beyond what a general oscilloscope or logic analyzer can offer alone. DL9000 series MSO models offer convenient, innovative functions for display and analysis of mixed signal characteristics. and assists with measurement and debugging of analog/digital mixed signals.
State display and bus display functions are typically found in logic analyzers. DL9000 Series MSO Models support these types of logic signal display and analysis functions, and helps increase efficiency in the coordinated analysis of analog and logic signals. Moreover, when performing these analysis and display functions on DL9000 Series MSO Models, the screen display update rate is not compromised.
Other oscilloscopes show you digitally persisted acquisitions in just one display layer. What if there is a signal buried within the “fuzz” you would like to separate? With the DL9000, not only can you toggle digital persistence (accumulation) on or off, Yokogawa’s unique “history memory” also allows you to separate and view previously acquired data individually.
DL9000 Series MSO Models not only update the display at high speed, but also includes a function for recalling up to 2000 screens worth of past waveforms.
High-speed screen updating alone does not allow users to take full advantage of the digital oscilloscope. Rather, the ability to redisplay and analyze individual waveforms unleashes the digital oscilloscope's full potential.
With DL9000 Series MSO Models, you not only have access to the existing DL9000 series of powerful trigger functions, but you can also set trigger conditions using a logic signal as the source. You can restrict capture to the desired signals by combining various trigger conditions, thus reducing evaluation times and speeding up troubleshooting.
DL9000 Series MSO Models' Trigger Functions
DL9000 Series MSO Models allow you to assign 32-bit logic signals to up to five groups.
There is no limit to the number of bits allowed in each group. For example, you can assign all 32 bits to a single group.
Groups are assigned using a graphical interface for flexible and easy settings.
For example, even in cases such as where a reconfigurable device's pin assignments have been changed, you can make the corresponding adjustments simply by changing the mapping of the groups.
Analysis such as bus display, state display, and DA conversion can be executed on a group-by-group basis.
Even if waveforms are displayed at high speed and held in the oscilloscope's acquisition memory, it does not help if it then takes time for the user to find the desired phenomena. Functions for searching and zooming acquired waveform data are key to increasing engineering efficiency.
DL9000 Series MSO Models include powerful functions for searching the memory for desired waveforms, and zoom functions for observing these waveforms in detail. In addition to searching based on criteria such as signal edge, pulse, and multichannel state, you can search the history memory by waveform patterns and waveform parameters. You can quickly find the desired waveform data in the memory, enlarge the area with the zoom function, and scroll the data. These processes are carried out by the hardware at high speeds, eliminating wasteful wait times after operating the oscilloscope.
Two individual zoom factors and positions can be set with independent timescales and displayed simultaneously. Also, using the auto scroll function, you can automatically scroll waveforms captured in long memory and change the position of the zoom areas. Choose any display position with forward, backward, fastforward, pause, and other controls. Dual-window zoom function
DL9000 Series MSO Models have a variety of waveform search functions, enabling you to detect abnormal signals or find specific serial or parallel data patterns. Data search types include:
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Zone search in History Memory | Waveform parameter search | Search for serial pattern |
Define 1 to 4 zones and search for waveforms that fall inside or outside the zone (s). |
Select a waveform parameter and define a range for the parameter. Search for waveforms with parameter values inside or outside the set range | Example: A5 (1010 0101) |
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Bus values | Pulse width | Serial bus |
You can search by logic signal bus values. | Search by specifying pulse width conditions. | Search for portions of analysis results of the logic signal's source serial bus that match specified conditions. |
DL9000 Series MSO Models can perform I²C, SPI, LIN and CAN bus analysis with the different available options (/F5, /F7 and /F8).
Triggers for these bus types are standard features. These functions make it easy to discriminate between partial software failures and physical-layer waveform problems when troubleshooting systems by observing the physical-layer characteristics of signals.
Also, I²C, SPI and LIN bus analysis of logic signals are available, allowing you to simultaneously perform protocol analysis of the various buses using logic input channels, and signal analysis using 4 analog channels.
Digital to Analog conversion of logic signals can be performed on a group-by-group basis. This is an invaluable tool for evaluating A/D and D/A converters along with their surrounding circuits. For even faster debugging, use it together with waveform analysis functions such as the histogram function.
Even evaluations normally requiring computation programs on the PC can be executed quickly and easily using the powerful computation built-in functions of DL9000 Series MSO Models.
You can automatically measure waveform parameters, including max., min., peak-peak, pulse width, period, frequency, rise time, fall time, and duty ratio. | Time domain waveform parameters such as pulse width, interval, and delay can be measured automatically for logic signals as well. |
Waveform parameters can be calculated repeatedly every screen or period, and the statistical results (mean, maximum, minimum, standard deviation, etc.) of the waveform parameters can be displayed. Automated measurement of waveform parameters and statistical computations can also be performed on waveform data in history memory. |
Eye Pattern Analysis and Mask Testing
Eye Pattern Analysis
This function automatically measures the waveform parameters of an eye pattern. Unlike the waveform parameter measurement of earlier DL series oscilloscopes, MSO Models can calculate parameters based on the eye
pattern formed by the crossings of two or more waveforms.
This function is used to evaluate the signal quality of high-speed data communication. Using Mask Editor software, a mask pattern is generated and loaded into DL9000 Series MSO Models.
Effective power supply analysis can be easily carried out using the waveform computation, statistical computation and automatic parameter measurement functions.
Harmonic analysis of power supply currents based on EN61000-3-2 is also supported.
[Main Functions]
Using the Auto setup function dedicated for serial buses, you can have the instrument automatically enter settings for record length, time axis (T/div), triggers, and analysis by simply specifying bus type and source (input) channel. After that, it will automatically display bus waveforms and analysis results (list and decoding). This frees you from tedious analysis setup.
DL9000 Series can perform I²C, SPI, UART, LIN and CAN bus analysis with the different available options (/F5, /F7 and /F8).
Triggers for these bus types are standard features. These functions make it easy to discriminate between partial software failures and physical-layer waveform problems when troubleshooting systems by observing the physical-layer characteristics of signals.
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*CAN trigger and CAN analysis is supported by the analog input channels
DL9000 Series is equipped with dedicated CAN triggers including Start of Frame, ID, Data, Remote Frame, and Error Frame. Additionally, you can now set up to four ID and Data combination bit conditions and activate triggers based on OR relationships of these combinations. With the protocol analysis results list which is shown in a time series fashion, you can check each frame's analysis results (frame type, time from trigger point, ID, DLC, Data, and CRC), presence/absence of Ack, and the association with corresponding waveforms in a single screen. You can specify the type and other characteristics of fields and frames and search for corresponding waveforms in the captured CAN frame data. | ![]() Waveform Display and Analysis Results
Triggering and analysis functions for LIN bus (widely used as an in-vehicle LAN protocol for car body applications) are available on the DL9000 Series. It is equipped with Break + Synch trigger. You can check waveforms and the protocol analysis results (list) along with the error information (Parity, CheckSum, TimeOut, etc.). You can analyze both LIN revision 1.3 and 2.0 conformity data existing on the same bus line simultaneously. * LIN bus analysis function supported with firmware version 2.40 or later (/F7 or /F8 option). |
![]() Simultaneous analysis and waveform (decode) display and CAN and LIN bus signals |
This option enables, analysis, and search on I²C and SPI serial data bus signals. Observing the physical signals of these buses allows you to more effectively separate hardware related problems from software related problems. |
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With the new firmware version 4.42 or later, the SPI analysis function without CS(Chip Select) source assignment is available. Some SPI bus applications do not require CS signal. Also, the data field size and the enabled bit range for analysis can be specified. The DL9000 DSO series can be applied for more wide-ranging SPI application.
(I²C and SPI triggers are standard)
General-purpose UART trigger and analysis can be supported.
The UART trigger function can trigger on stop bit of each data frame. Analysis number, time from trigger position, binary and hexadecimal notation of data, errors, and other added information can be linked with the waveforms and displayed in the same screen as analysis results. The UART analysis results can also be displayed in ASCII. Grouping display is supported for easy identification of serial messages over 2 bytes.
![]() UART Trigger
![]() Group Displays
Example of UART analysis
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This built-in thermal paper printer provides a convenient way to print out what is shown on the DL9000's display. |
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100 BaseTX/ 10 BaseT Ethernet (/C10) Network file server/client functions and network printing are supported through Microsoft network file sharing. The SMTP client allows you to send e-mail from the unit. (/C10) |
Parameter Measurements and Statistical Computations for Power Supply For Example: Power and Power Factor
Simply select voltage and current channels in a dedicated setup menu to add power-specific parameters to the waveform parameters of the selected channels. See the specifications on the reverse side of this leaflet for the dedicated parameters (types) that are added. You can also calculate the Joule-integral (I²t) required for fuse characterization.
For example, in a active power factor correction circuit running in critical conduction mode, fluctuations in the switching frequency and switching current of the modulating signal, relative to the input voltage of the commercial power supply, can be displayed simultaneously along with the input voltage waveform. The figure on the left shows data from multiple cycles of voltage (Vds), current (Id) and the computed switching loss (Vds x Id) (M1 waveform). Loss can be calculated for each cycle within a specified range of the M1 waveform (the Iteg TY parameter), and the integrated value can be quickly computed. The DL9000 also lets you view cycle-by-cycle switching loss in a list or as a trend line. Variations between power on and steady operation can easily be seen. |
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With high speed acquisition (max. 2.5 million waveforms/sec.) and the history statistics function, you can compute statistical values and total loss of the switching loss waveforms across multiple intervals. By specifying a computation range, you can also compute the loss when switching ON and OFF, separately. | ![]() |
The number of history waveforms (Cnt = number of switching cycles) and their statistical computation results are displayed in the figure to the right. | ![]() |
The difference in the current probe and voltage probe signal propagation time (skew) can be automatically corrected. This is useful for accurate measurement and computation of switching loss. A deskew correction signal source (model 701935, sold separately) is available. | ![]() |
Quickly perform waveform computations of active power, impedance, and Joule-integral (I²t), and display the resulting waveforms. Simply select the desired function and source input channels from the menu to display the computed waveform. | ![]() |
Harmonics generated by the target device under test are compared to the harmonic values allowed in by the IEC standard, based on the applicable class of device (classes A-D). Bar graphs and lists can be displayed for comparing the harmonic limit levels and the actual measured harmonic levels. Measured harmonic levels exceeding the specified limit are highlighted for easy identification.
(The power supply analysis function option (/G4) includes the user-defined math option (/G2).)
Four user-defined waveforms can be defined (MATH1-MATH4) and used simultaneously in computations. In addition to a wealth of computation functions, twenty-six measurement parameters can be used in the equations. For example, you can normalize data using the amplitude of a measurement parameter. Up to 6.25 MWords per channel can be computed. Math waveforms can also be used in X-Y graphs, FFT displays, histogram analysis, and other functions.
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LXI (Lan eXtensions for Instrumentation) is a communication platform for test & measurement instruments, built on LAN technology. It provides improved transfer speeds with improved usability and low cost, when compared to traditional instrument interfaces. It's easy to migrate over from traditional GPIB system, because LXI utilizes existing technologies such as VXI-11 or IVI.
The Yokogawa DL9000/DL9700/9500 series and SB5000, with the LXI compliant Ethernet option (/C12) installed, are fully compliant with LXI Class C.
Currently, over 20 test and measurement manufacturers provide LXI compliant products, and the total number of supported products is above 1100. As a new communication platform for applications requiring high transfer speed, low cost and usability, LXI will become more widespread in the future. For more information on LXI, please visit the LXI Consortium.
Model | Description |
701330 | DL9705L: 4ch 500MHz + Logic 32bits, Max. 5 GS/s(2.5 GS/s/ch), 6.25 MW/ch |
701321 | DL9510L: 4ch 1GHz + Logic 16bits, Max. 5 GS/s(2.5 GS/s/ch), 6.25 MW/ch |
DL9505L701320 | DL9505L: 4ch 500MHz + Logic 16bits, Max. 5 GS/s(2.5 GS/s/ch), 6.25 MW/ch |
701331 | DL9710L: 4ch 1GHz + Logic 32bits, Max. 5 GS/s(2.5 GS/s/ch), 6.25 MW/ch |
701928 current probe
Front-end powered
Recognized automatically
Adjust zero position from operation of DLM2000, DLM3000, DLM4000, DL6000/DLM6000, DL9000/DLM9000, SB5000
350 MHz, 10:1, 400 Vrms, 1250 V transient over-voltage CAT I, 300 Vrms CAT II, 3 m
For DL1700E, DL7400 series
This DC block can be used to remove the DC component from an incoming signal. Use this block if you want to remove bias voltage from reaching the PBL5000 probe.
While accurate rise time measurements have become easier to make, it remains, nonetheless, quite easy to overlook error contributions due to not only the oscilloscope but also the probe. And, while the error contributed by a scope's finite step-response (rise time) is often accounted for, that contributed by the probe is often overlooked.