How Do I Set the Sample Rate on my Yokogawa DL850/DL850V ScopeCorder to XYZ Samples/Second?
Please use the attached "Sampling Rate Table.xls" to help you determine the appropriate Record Length and Time/Div setting to achieve XYZ Sample/Sec Sample Rate. Keep in mind that there are limitations to the amount of record length you can select based on the number of channels and memory option on your DL850/DL850V.
Example 1
In normal recording mode with 16 channels turned ON, the settings for the longest recording time is:
Standard Memory (250 Mpoints) - 20 days
Record Length 10M (column AA), 2 days/div, 5 S/sec
/M1 Option (1 Gpoints) - 30 days
Record Length 50M (column AE), 3 days/div, 10 S/sec
/M2 Option (2 Gpoints) - 30 days
Record Length 100M (column AG), 3 days/div, 20 S/sec
Example 2
In normal recording mode with 1 channel turned ON, to record waveforms for 10 minutes (1 min/div * 10div) at a sample rate of 1 kS/sec:
Standard Memory (250 Mpoints)
Record Length 1M (column U), 1 min/div, 1 kS/sec