- For the measurement of power with electronic systems used in automotive and other applications -
Supporting the development of next-generation power electronics for automobiles and other applications
- 适用于汽车和其他行业的宽带宽、大电流应用 -
作为具有高分辨率和近距离动态范围的 AQ6373B 和 AQ6374 的后续产品,新机型提供了相同的高性能以及升级版的操作性能,以满足研发和生产环境中的各种光谱测量需求。
- Strong support for development and evaluation of automobiles, trucks, and vessels -
- 满足对更快通信的需求,简化光纤和光缆的开发-
- For the measurement of power with electronic systems used in automotive and other applications -
Supporting the development of next-generation power electronics for automobiles and other applications
- 适用于汽车和其他行业的宽带宽、大电流应用 -
作为具有高分辨率和近距离动态范围的 AQ6373B 和 AQ6374 的后续产品,新机型提供了相同的高性能以及升级版的操作性能,以满足研发和生产环境中的各种光谱测量需求。
- Strong support for development and evaluation of automobiles, trucks, and vessels -
- 满足对更快通信的需求,简化光纤和光缆的开发-
Information such as product prices, product specifications, details of services, inquiry information, and URLs contained in news releases is current as of the date of the release but is subject to change without notice.