Decade capacitance boxes are test instruments that simulate prototypical electrical values.
Decade resistance box calibration procedures: The 279301 is used for medium resistance from 0.1 to 1,111.210 Ω in 1 mΩ steps (best suited for calibration of resistance thermometers or bridges). The 279303 is used for high resistance from 0 to 111.1110 MΩ in 100 Ω steps (suitable for calibration of insulation resistance testers or bridges).
Decade inductance boxes are another type of test instrument used for calibration.
绝缘强度 | 面板和电路之间在1,000V AC下保持1分钟 |
绝缘电阻 | 在500V DC下,面板和电路之间,超过500MΩ |
尺寸 | 497(宽)×116(高)×140(深)mm,不包括突起部分 19.57 x 4.57 x 5.51 in. |
重量 | 约4.8kg 106lbs |
电阻量程 | 0.1mΩ~1,111.2100Ω (最小电阻是0.1Ω) |
拨盘组成 | 0.001Ω x 10 + 0.01Ω x 10 + 0.1Ω x 11 + 1Ω x 10 + 10Ω x 10 + 100Ω x 10 |
分辨率 | 1mΩ |
精度 | ±(0.01%+ 2mΩ) 在23±2°C温度,45~75%湿度和0.1W功率应用下 |
最大允许输入功率 | 0.2SW/slep. 所有仪器为1W以内。 |
最大允许输入电流 | 50mA(100Ω步)。150mA(10Ω步),500mA(10Ω步)。和1.5A(0.1Ω步)。 |