Can I buy a ground clip for my 700929?

Can I buy a ground clip for my new-style 700929?  
Two part numbers required for new-style probe:    

NEW STYLE features/requires two pieces: ground ref clip and safety plug-on clip.  
B9940WX Clip, plug-on, safety, replacment part for new-style 700929 
B8023ZC Lead, plug-on, safety, low-side lead replacement for new-style 700929   
Can I buy a ground clip for my old-style 700929?     

No. The old-style 700929 probe was discontinued; and the combination probe-tip / ground-clip was also discontinued. We recommend that you purchase a new-style 700929 probe. 
Part number required for old-style probe: B9940WH 
OLD STYLE features/requires one piece integral clip and ground lead.
B9940WH for old-style 700929 has been discontinued.  

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