Product Tutorials for WT & PZ Series Digital Power Meters & Analyzers

The following product tutorial guides have been created for the WT and PZ Series Power Meter and Analyzer instruments and are available for download. Each tutorial contains quick and easy steps to help you get started with your instrument.

There are numerous screenshots and example exercises for you to follow, that will cover the instruments specific functions. Use these guides as introductory training or as a quick reference for instrument setup and measurement.

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Precision Power Analyzer WT3000

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WT1800 High Performance Power Analyzer

The WT1800 Power Analyzer offers maximum flexibility with up to six wattmeter elements, high bandwidths, simultaneous high speed digitizing, and wide voltage and current ranges. Although this model is still available, the newer WT1800E offers higher accuracy.

WT500 - Mid Range

  • Up to 3 wattmeters
  • 0.1% of rdg + 0.1% of rng
  • DC, 0.1Hz to 100kHz
  • Independent range controls
  • Harmonics to 50th order

Power Analyzers and Power Meters

Measure characteristics of devices that generate, transform or consume electricity. Also called power meters or wattmeters, these devices measure parameters such as true power (watts), power factor, harmonics, and efficiency.

Precision Making
