What are the Minimum Requirements for Linking Multiple Yokogawa SL1000 High-Speed Data Acquisition Units in Synchronization Mode?

The SL1000 High-Speed Data Acquisition Unit is capable of linking up to 8 units, up to 128ch max, in synchronized mode using our SL1000 Acquisition Software. Using a common LINK file, data from all units can be processed and analyzed, as one, at the same time. Make sure that the SYNC OUT port from the Master Unit is connected to the SYNC IN port of the Slave Unit. 

The minimum requirements for synchronization mode are:
  • SL1000 Acquisition Software Version 2.02
  • SL1000 Firmware Version 2.03
  • Synchronized connection cable: 720901-01 (1m cable) or 720901-02 (3m cable)

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High Speed Data Acquisition

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Precision Making
