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OSA: Removal of Absorption inside OSA by Purging

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Applicable model*: AQ6380/AQ6374/AQ6375/AQ6376/AQ6377

When a light source with a wide wavelength band is measured with an optical spectrum analyzer (OSA), noisy waveforms may appear in certain wavelength bands and interfere with measurement. This is due to light absorption of water vapor (H2O) or carbon dioxide (CO2) contained in the air inside the OSA optics (monochromator). Water vapor has strong optical absorption near 1400 nm, 1900 nm and 2700 nm, and carbon dioxide has near 2000 nm and 4200 nm.

The applicable models are equipped with a purging  mechanism to address this issue. By continuously supplying and exhausting purge gas such as dry air and nitrogen from the supply and exhaust port on the rear panel to the inside of the monochromator, the water vapor and carbon dioxide inside the OSA are removed, and the correct optical spectrum can be measured.

Purging gas ports (IN/OUT)

Purging gas ports

Major requirements for purging

nSupply tubing

 1/4” outer diameter quick connectors, clean flexible nylon tubing

nMaximum rating

Pressure:  1.5 psig (0.01 MPaG)
Flow rate:  25 SCFH (12 L/min)

nPurge gas

 Ultra-high purity liquid nitrogen which must be 99.9999% pure grade with the heat exchanger is recommended.

* All versions unless otherwise specified.
   For AQ6375, AQ6375B or later.


No purging

No purging

Nitrogen purging (1 hr.)

Nitrogen purging (1 hr.)

Replacement efficiency of purging

Replacement efficiency of purging




AQ6370E Telecom 600 - 1700 nm

  • AQ6370E Optical Spectrum Analyzer
  • Popular TELECOM wavelength Range of 600nm to1700nm
  • Ideal model for Telecommunications applications for single-mode and multi-mode optics

AQ6374E Wide Wavelength Range 350 - 1750 nm

  • Wide range optical spectrum analyzer covering from visible light to communications wavelength
  • Wide wavelength range: 350 to 1750 nm
  • Ideal for various applications including fiber

AQ6375E Long Wavelength 1200 to 2400 nm and 1000 to 2500 nm

High Performance LONG WAVELENGTH
The AQ6375E covers not only telecommunication wavelengths, but also the SWIR region which is often used for environmental sensing and medical applications.
・Lineup of 3 models [Standard, Extended and Limited]
・Covers wavelengths
     1200 to 2400 nm [Standard, and Limited]
     1000 to 2500 nm [Extended ]

AQ6376E Three Micron 1500 - 3400 nm

MWIR WAVELENGTH with internal gas purge and cut filter
The AQ6376E is the latest version of our bench-top optical spectrum analyzer extending the wavelength coverage well beyond the NIR range of our previous models into the MWIR region from 1500 to 3400 nm.
Popular applications include the detection of gases such as carbon oxides (COx), nitrogen oxides (NOx), and hydrocarbon gas (CxHy) for environmental studies.

AQ6377E Five Micron 1900 - 5500 nm

  • Covering the MWIR region over 5 μm.
  • High close-in dynamic range: 50dB [Peak ±5 nm].
  • Wide measurement dynamic range: 73 dB.
  • Equipped with a high-performance chopper for fast and accurate measurements.
  • Advanced pulsed light measurement mode enables optical measurements under various pulse conditions.

光谱分析仪 AQ6374

AQ6374覆盖了350 ~ 1750nm的宽范围波长,包括可见光(380 ~ 780nm)和通信领域。

光谱分析仪 AQ6377 1900 - 5500 nm

AQ6377 (5μm)覆盖MWIR领域的长波长机型

光谱分析仪 AQ6380 1200 - 1650 nm



  • 高波长分辨率: 5pm
  • 高波长精度: ±5pm
  • 动态范围: 65dB
  • 高杂散光抑制比: 80dB

长波长光谱分析仪 AQ6375B

AQ6375B是一款波长可覆盖2μm以上范围的长波长台式光谱分析仪。 它专为一直苦于无长波长测量仪器可用的工程师和研究人员而设计, 在实现了高精度、 高分辨率和高灵敏度测量的同时, 可以提供全面的分析功能, 从而可省去校准步骤和开发外部分析软件的麻烦。

长波长光谱分析仪 AQ6376

AQ6376是波长可覆盖2μm以上范围的长波长台式光谱分析仪, 专为一直苦于无长波长测量仪器可用的工程师和研究人员而设计。 AQ6376在实现了高精度、 高分辨率和高灵敏度测量的同时, 还可以提供全面的分析功能, 从而可省去校准步骤和开发外部分析软件的麻烦。





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