The measurement intervals of the measured I/O data must overlap exactly. Check the sync source setting.
For example, route the input to a three-phase device under measurement to input elements 1-3 on the power meter, and the output to elements 4-6. Set the sync source on elements 1-3 to the current or voltage of element 1 (I1 or U1), and the sync source on elements 4-6 to the voltage or current of element 4 (U4 or I4).
In a case when inputting three phases to elements 1-3 and DC to element 4, set all sync sources to current or voltage of element 1 (I1 or U1).
*Applies to the WT3000 for data update rates of 50 ms, 100 ms, 5 s, 10 s, or 20 s. "Sync Source" setting is irrelevant if the data update rate is 250 ms, 500 ms, 1 s, or 2 s
YOKOGAWA数字功率分析仪,性能优越、测量可靠,支持各种应用,非常值得拥有。尤其是YOKOGAWA WT300E功率计,在全球功率计市场上口碑与地位日益跃升。