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Why Does the Sampling Rate Display Disappear During FFT Analysis for the DL1500 Digital Oscilloscope Series?

The FFT is computed based on the ACQ data. In order to perform the FFT over 1 k points, the ACQ data are decimated (reduced) from 10 kW to 1 kW. At this point the sampling rate is equivalent to 100 kSs (1/10 of 1 MS/s). Therefore, the sampling rate display is turned OFF. For example, to perform an FFT over the data sampled at 1 MS/s when the memory length is 10 kW, the data are decimated from 10 kW down to 1 kW. This means that the sampling rate is equivalent to 100 kS/s at this point. Therefore, to avoid misinterpretation, the sampling rate display is turned OFF. In this case, the actual sampling rate is 1 MS/s, which means that the frequency bandwidth of the time axis waveform is 500 kHz. However, because the sampling rate is reduced to 1/10 as explained above, the frequency bandwidth of the FFT is 50 kHz.



让我们来感受世界一流的横河示波器:自1988年首款机型面世以来,YOKOGAWA一直不断创新,致力于电力电子、机电一体化和新能源等前沿行业专用示波器的研发,近期又推出全新DLM系列示波器,既有面向低成本市场的4CH MSO示波器——DLM3000系列,也有业界全新的8CH MSO示波器——DLM5000系列,在由智能控制的消费电子和工业驱动等电路设计的众多领域中,成为全球工程师的首选工具。



横河示波器既有面向低成本市场的4CH MSO示波器DLM3000系列,也有业界全新的8CH MSO示波器DLM5000系列,在由智能控制的消费电子和工业驱动等电路设计的众多领域中,成为全球工程师的首选工具。

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