How do I Linearize an Input Signal on the DL850 ScopeCorder?

The DL850 ScopeCorder is capable of linearizing an input signal using the Polynomial Feature in the /G3 Realtime Math option. The polynomial feature performs a fourth order polynomial calculation on the selected source waveform. To linearize the input signal using the Polynomial Feature, follow the procedures listed below:

  1. Press one of the CH1 to CH16 keys to select the source channel 
  2. Press the RealTime Math soft button to select ON
  3. Press the RealTime Math Setup soft button
  4. Use the Arrow keys and SET button to set the Operation to Polynomial
  5. Select the Source waveform
  6. Set the coefficients A, B, C, D, and E using the Jog Shuttle

Addtional Information
Please download and view the attached files for a demonstration of the Polynomial feature on the DL850. The attached example details a thermistor that has been conditioned to produce a duty-cycle variation on a square wave. The duty-cycle as a percentage is NOT linear with respect to the value of the thermistor temperature.

The individual polynomial coefficients can be saved as a setup file on the DL850. The attached Excel worksheet contains the parameters and the error calculation for each duty cycle. For a quick online calculator that can be used as a reference for the coefficient calculation, click on the link provided. 

The square wave pulse train is decoded by the Duty Cycle feature of the /G3 Realtime Math. The resulting waveform is again processed using the polynomial feature to linearize the input signal. Thus the temperature measurement is linear to the duty-cycle and the remaining error due to linearization is known for each value of duty-cycle input.

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