Motor Surge Measurement with High Definition Oscilloscope
The high-speed switching voltage of the inverter generates a high-voltage surge on the motor side, which can cause dielectric breakdown of the windings. Therefore, checking the motor surge voltage is an essential process in motor development and manufacturing. In recent years, as the efficiency of inverters using high-speed devices such as SiC has improved, the voltage and speed of motor surges have increased and the phenomenon has become more complex, requiring more accurate waveform analysis.
The DLM5000HD equipped with a 12-bit ADC can simultaneously capture 8 channels of surges and related waveforms with high resolution, enabling more reliable and efficient surge voltage analysis.
Example: Observation of motor surge of SiC MOSFET
横河高分辨率示波器DLM5000HD系列,体验YOKOGAWA创新的强大功能,将测试和开发 提升到新的高度。
让我们来感受世界一流的横河示波器:自1988年首款机型面世以来,YOKOGAWA一直不断创新,致力于电力电子、机电一体化和新能源等前沿行业专用示波器的研发,近期又推出全新DLM系列示波器,既有面向低成本市场的4CH MSO示波器——DLM3000系列,也有业界全新的8CH MSO示波器——DLM5000系列,在由智能控制的消费电子和工业驱动等电路设计的众多领域中,成为全球工程师的首选工具。