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OSA: Measurement of Near to Mid IR Laser for Gas Detection

Global environmental issues are being highlighted and efforts are being made to reduce greenhouse gases. Carbon dioxide (CO2) is often cited as a greenhouse gas, but other gases that worsen the global environment include sulfur dioxide (SO2) and nitrogen dioxide (NO2). In addition, gas leak detection and central monitoring of explosive gases are effective measures for disaster prevention.

The laser absorption spectroscopy is one of the methods to detect minute amount of gas. It detects a certain gas using a distributed feedback Laser diode (DFB-LD), which has a light absorption wavelength specific to the gas. Since light absorption by gas becomes strong in the long wavelength region, near-infrared to mid-infrared DFB-LD exceeding 2000 nm has come to be used for gas detection.

The optical spectral characterization of DFB-LD is very important because the measurement capability of this method is greatly affected by the side mode suppression ratio (SMSR) performance of DFB-LD.

The applicable models are optical spectrum analyzers that can measure near-infrared and/or mid-infrared light. They offer dynamic range wide enough to measure SMSR of 50 dB or more of DFB-LD that cannot be observed with conventional spectroscopes.


Absorption wavelengths of Gases from NIR to MWIR

Wavelength (nm)



1814, 2270, 2670,

3420, 4470, 5255

Nitrogen oxides (NOX)

Environment, Health

1877, 2682

Water vapor (H2O)

Environment, Automotive, Process control

2004, 2770, 4225

Carbon dioxide (CO2)

Environment, Automotive, Process control, Health

2330, 4610

Carbon monoxide (CO)

Environment, Health, Process control, Safety


Acetylene (C2H2)

Health, Process control, Safety


Methane (CH4)

Environment, Health, Process control, Safety


Formaldehyde (CH2O)

Environment, Safety




AQ6373E Visible Wavelength 350 - 1200 nm

  • 0.02 nm resolution
  • ±50 pm accuracy
  • 60 dB dynamic range
  • -80 dBm level sensitivity
  • singlemode and multi-mode
  • industrial & biomedical laser testing

AQ6374E Wide Wavelength Range 350 - 1750 nm

  • 0.05 nm resolution
  • ±50 pm accuracy
  • 60 dB dynamic range
  • -80 dBm level sensitivity
  • singlemode and multi-mode
  • visible to communications wavelengths

AQ6375E Long Wavelength 1200 to 2400 nm and 1000 to 2500 nm

  • 0.05 nm resolution
  • ±50 pm accuracy
  • 55 dB dynamic range
  • -70 dBm level sensitivity
  • singlemode and multi-mode
  • NIR and SWIR wavelengths

AQ6376E Three Micron 1500 - 3400 nm

  • 0.1 nm resolution
  • ±0.5 nm accuracy
  • 55 dB dynamic range
  • -65 dBm level sensitivity
  • singlemode and multi-mode
  • SWIR and MWIR wavelengths

AQ6377E Five Micron 1900 - 5500 nm

  • 0.1 nm resolution
  • ±0.5 nm accuracy
  • 50 dB close-in dynamic range
  • 73 dB measurement dynamic range
  • -60 dBm level sensitivity
  • singlemode and multi-mode
  • MWIR wavelengths

光谱分析仪 AQ6377 1900 - 5500 nm

AQ6377 (5μm)覆盖MWIR领域的长波长机型

长波长光谱分析仪 AQ6375


长波长光谱分析仪 AQ6375B

AQ6375B是一款波长可覆盖2μm以上范围的长波长台式光谱分析仪。 它专为一直苦于无长波长测量仪器可用的工程师和研究人员而设计, 在实现了高精度、 高分辨率和高灵敏度测量的同时, 可以提供全面的分析功能, 从而可省去校准步骤和开发外部分析软件的麻烦。

长波长光谱分析仪 AQ6376

AQ6376是波长可覆盖2μm以上范围的长波长台式光谱分析仪, 专为一直苦于无长波长测量仪器可用的工程师和研究人员而设计。 AQ6376在实现了高精度、 高分辨率和高灵敏度测量的同时, 还可以提供全面的分析功能, 从而可省去校准步骤和开发外部分析软件的麻烦。





Precision Making

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