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OSA: Measurement of Visible Light Devices for Medical Equipment

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nLED for pulse oximeter

A pulse oximeter is a medical measuring instrument that measures oxygen saturation in blood without collecting blood. Oxygen saturation is measured using the difference in the absorption characteristics of HbO2 (oxyhemoglobin) and Hb (reduced hemoglobin) in blood. Two LEDs with wavelengths of 665 nm and 880 nm are used for this measurement. Since the absorption characteristics of HbO2 and Hb change greatly depending on the wavelength, a LED with a high wavelength accuracy of about ± 0.5 nm is required for accurate measurement of oxygen saturation. The measurement wavelength range and high wavelength accuracy of the applicable models are suitable for measuring LEDs for pulse oximeters.


LED for pulse oximeter

Source: Konica Minolta website

Pulse Oximeter (Konica Minolta)

Source: Konica Minolta website

nLaser for laser treatment equipment

Laser treatment devices use lasers with different wavelengths depending on the treatment target. The laser requires the singularity in wavelength so that it does not affect other parts than the target.





Nd:YAG laser

1064 nm

Tattoos, keloids, acne, wrinkles

Laser diode

800 nm

Epilation, surgery, allergic rhinitis

Alexandrite laser

755 nm

Macule, bruise, epilation

Ruby laser

694 nm

Macule, bruises, moles

Dye laser

585 nm

Red bruise, vascular disease


532 nm

Macule, freckles, red bruise

Laser diode

532 nm

Telangiectasia, hay fever



AQ6373E Visible Wavelength 350 - 1200 nm

  • 0.02 nm resolution
  • ±50 pm accuracy
  • 60 dB dynamic range
  • -80 dBm level sensitivity
  • singlemode and multi-mode
  • industrial & biomedical laser testing

AQ6374E Wide Wavelength Range 350 - 1750 nm

  • 0.05 nm resolution
  • ±50 pm accuracy
  • 60 dB dynamic range
  • -80 dBm level sensitivity
  • singlemode and multi-mode
  • visible to communications wavelengths

光谱分析仪 AQ6374

AQ6374覆盖了350 ~ 1750nm的宽范围波长,包括可见光(380 ~ 780nm)和通信领域。

短波长光谱分析仪 AQ6373

AQ6373提供的350nm到1200nm专用短波长量程可以精确测量380nm到780nm的可见光谱,因此适用于生物科学和其它领域。此型号产品还是测量1064nm Nd:YAG, DPSS激光源的常用工具。

短波长光谱分析仪 AQ6373B

AQ6373B提供的350nm到1200nm专用短波长量程可以精确测量380nm到780nm的可见光谱,因此适用于生物科学和其它领域。此型号产品还是测量1064nm Nd:YAG, DPSS激光源的常用工具。





Precision Making

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