Now if you send "MEASURE:NORMAL:VALUE?" and read out the measured data, 3 data are output as shown in the following example.
Output: 4.083E+00,50.002E+00,202.65E+00
Looking at "Output Format for Normal Measured Data," you can see the following: 1. V1 -> V2 -> V3 -> VΣ 2. A1 -> A2 -> A3 -> AΣ 3. W1 -> W2 -> W3 -> WΣ ... MATH
This indicates the order in which data was output. In this case, element 1's V, A, and W values are set for output, so V1, A1, and W1 are output in the order V1 > A1 > W1. Going back to the output examples, the first data (4.083E+00) is V1, the next data (50.002E+00) is A1, and the last data (202.65E+00) is W1.
Related Information
In the "MEASURE:NORMAL:ITEM:PRESET XXX" communications command which was sent first, NORMAL and INTEGRATE are available in addition to CLEAR, so you can output only the specified items of the measured values. Also, for example, if you want to output the VA item in addition to "NORMAL," you can send "MEASURE:NORMAL:ITEM:PRESET NORMAL", then send "MEASURE:ITEM:VA:ELEMENT1 ON" to add it to the NORMAL item. On the other hand, if you want to remove W on element 1 from the "NORMAL" setting item, you can send "MEASURE:NORMAL:ITEM:PRESET NORMAL", then send "MEASURE:ITEM:W:ELEMENT1 OFF." In this way you can specify individual items for output by adding output items to or taking output items away from the CLEAR, NORMAL, and INTEGRATE preset settings.
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