检查3相变频驱动电机的输出信号![]() | 使用缩放功能确定低转速运行时是否采集了全部的脉冲波形![]() |
在基波约为50kHz的变频照明设备上测量![]() | 高频电容器驱动(500kHz)期间的损耗测量![]() |
变频清洁器浪涌电流测量![]() | 感应加热式烹饪设备的变频器通电输出时的效率评估![]() |
变频器输出电流和功率频谱分析![]() | 变频器输出基波矢量显示![]() |
检查3相变频驱动电机的输出信号![]() | 使用缩放功能确定低转速运行时是否采集了全部的脉冲波形![]() |
在基波约为50kHz的变频照明设备上测量![]() | 高频电容器驱动(500kHz)期间的损耗测量![]() |
变频清洁器浪涌电流测量![]() | 感应加热式烹饪设备的变频器通电输出时的效率评估![]() |
变频器输出电流和功率频谱分析![]() | 变频器输出基波矢量显示![]() |
检查3相变频驱动电机的输出信号![]() | 使用缩放功能确定低转速运行时是否采集了全部的脉冲波形![]() |
在基波约为50kHz的变频照明设备上测量![]() | 高频电容器驱动(500kHz)期间的损耗测量![]() |
变频清洁器浪涌电流测量![]() | 感应加热式烹饪设备的变频器通电输出时的效率评估![]() |
变频器输出电流和功率频谱分析![]() | 变频器输出基波矢量显示![]() |
适用于DL850和WT300 系列。
1000Vrms-CAT II、1.8m长
The following product tutorial guides have been created for the WT and PZ Series Power Meter and Analyzer instruments and are available for download. Each tutorial contains quick and easy steps to help you get started ...
You can use the Power Viewer (Model 253734) software. However if you only need to view waveforms, we recommend you use the Waveform Viewer (Model 700919, version 1.23 or later) software. The trial version of the Power ...
The actual display update rate is shown below for observation times from 2 ms to 100 ms. 2 ms : 0.8 s 4 ms : 0.9 s 10 ms : 1.2 s 20 ms : 1.8 s 40 ms : 1.8 s 100 ms : 1.8 s Measurement Conditions Modules mounted : ...
You can use the "STATUS:ESSR?" command to access the extended event register and determine whether the data was updated. You can judge the data update status by referencing bit 1 (DAV) of this register. However to do ...
Send the appropriate command as shown below to your instrument, then read in all the data that is returned. PZ4000: "NUMERIC:NORMAL:VALUE?" WT1600: "NUMERIC:NORMAL:VALUE?" WT100/200 series ...
Send the "NUMERIC:FORMAT:ASCII" command This sets the data format for the data you want to read out. Measured data read out using the "NUMERIC:NORMAL:VALUE?" command is output as an ASCII string. Send the ...
To change the voltage range on element 1 to 30 V, send the "INPUT:VOLTAGE:RANGE:ELEMENT1 30V" command to the measuring instrument.To change the current range on element 1 to the 1 A range, send the ...
The waveform may actually not be a pure sine wave. Even though a 50/60 Hz sine wave is expected, the following factors may be involved: The waveform is slightly distorted (harmonic components are mixed in) Small ...
In the three-phase three-wire, or 3V3A wiring scheme, the phase angle of voltage between each input element is 60 degrees because it is the line to line voltage that is measured. Please download and refer to the ...
The measurement intervals of the measured I/O data must overlap exactly. Check the sync source setting. For example, route the input to a three-phase device under measurement to input elements 1-3 on the power meter, ...
Check for differences in the specifications or features of the instruments. For values that do not match when inputting a 50/60 sine wave Check whether the value is within the specifications (error) of each power ...
In the three-phase three-wire, or 3V3A wiring scheme, the phase angle of voltage and current input to each input differs from that of the actual load because it is the line to line voltage that is measured. In ...
When measuring input signals of distorted waves, signals that are DC-offset or signals that include superimposed harmonic components, will result in different values for power factor and phase angle than those expected ...
Check the Synch Source and Frequency Filter settings When a single-phase signal being measured fluctuates around power factor of 1.Slight fluctuations in the measured values of voltage, current, and power can cause a ...
The following may be causing the problem. 5V may have occurred during rating. Check the range setting again. DA output error can affect the values when the input is smaller than the rating. Have you checked the error ...
It is possible to measure the phase difference by using the function φU1(1)-U2(1) in Hamonics Measurement Mode.In this mode, if the wiring pattern is set to 1P2W, the PZ4000 will display no value (----). It is ...
The difference in measurement values can be attributed to the difference in calculation methods for normal mode and harmonic mode. The voltage, current, and power in normal mode are displayed as the total of the ...
There are several items you will need to check and verify to solve this issue. Verify the GP-IB connectionSome instruments have a D/A output connector located next to the GP-IB connector. There have been some ...
Please refer to the attached Excel spreadsheet for complete information regarding the RS232 cable pinouts used with by the WT & PZ Series Power Analyzers.
Check for differences in the specifications or features of the instruments. For values that do not match when inputting a 50/60 sine wave Check whether the value is within the specifications (error) of each power ...