使用ScopeCORE的快速数据处理 使用我们享有专利的ScopeCORE快速数据处理IC,即使有11个输入信号也可实现实时显示。 |
项目 | 型号 | DLM2022 710105 |
DLM2032 710115 |
DLM2052 710125 |
DLM2024 710110 |
DLM2034 710120 |
DLM2054 710130 |
模拟输入通道 | 2 | 4* | |||||
逻辑输入 |
- |
8位 |
最高采样速率 |
2.5GS/s (交错模式开启) |
频率特性 |
200MHz |
350MHz |
500MHz |
200MHz |
350MHz |
500MHz |
最大记录长度 |
62.5M点(单个测量,存储长度:/M1S,交错模式开启) |
125M点(单个测量,存储长度:/M2,交错模式开启) |
连续测量 |
单次测量 | ||
2通道、4通道相同 | 使用4通道(对于DLM20x2,使用2通道) | 使用2通道(对于DLM20x2,使用1通道) | |
标准 |
1.25M点 | 6.25M点 |
12.5M点 |
/M1、/M1S内存选件 |
6.25M点 |
25M点 |
62.5M点 |
/M2内存选件 |
12.5M点 |
62.5M点 |
125M点 |
A-B(n)触发: 在信号B的第7个边沿触发。该触发功能被广泛应用于事件偏移测试,比如非标准图像信号的垂直/水平周期或电机参考位置脉冲和驱动脉冲。 |
串行码型触发(用户定义): 在任意设置码型上触发,最多128位。对于检测ID/数据和专用通信格式的其它部分信息,非常有效。 |
双总线触发: CAN和LIN总线组合触发。I2C+SPI总线触发,还可用其它组合触发。 LIN或CAN总线信号满足触发条件是发生。 |
实时滤波器 每个通道有14个低通滤波器,频率范围为8kHz至200MHz。在限定带宽内的波形存储在内存中。 截止频率:200MHz、100MHz、20MHz、10MHz、5MHz、 2MHz、1MHz、500kHz、250kHz、125kHz、 62.5kHz、32kHz、16kHz和8kHz 使用内置滤波器处理 |
数字运算滤波器 输入波形可以通过运算功能中的IIR滤波器进行滤波。滤波后的波形可与输入波形一起显示,以便进行对比。可选择低通或高通滤波器。 截止频率设置范围: 0.01Hz~500MHz使用运算功能的PWM波形滤波效果
同时缩放两个位置 因为DLM2000系列允许单独设置缩放因数,所以同一时间可以使用不同时间轴显示两个缩放的波形。此外,使用自动滚动功能,可以自动滚动长内存中捕捉到的波形,并更改缩放位置。使用自动滚动功能,可以选择前进、后退、快进、滚动速度以及其它控制选项。 |
在单个屏幕上搜索数据:缩放搜索功能 此功能可在长内存中搜索捕获的波形,然后在缩放区域显示符合搜索条件的波形。缩放位置会在屏幕中标记出来。 (显示当前位置)。 波形搜索条件
边沿、边沿(条件)、状态码型、脉冲宽度、状态宽度、串行总线(限具有串行总线 分析选件的型号) |
搜索 历史波形:历史搜索功能 可从最多20,000屏已捕获波形中提取满足指定条件的波形。 |
在通过上/下/左/右移动被测波形而创建的区域内搜索波形。 |
搜索穿过/不穿过屏幕上矩形区域的波形。 |
测量功能和统计 可测28个波形参数,比如:最大值、最小值、峰-峰值、脉冲宽度、周期、频率、上升/下降时间以及占空比。可显示其中20个波形参数执行自动测量。此外,还可以重复测量波形参数,并显示统计值(平均值、最大值、最小值和标准偏差等)。 |
趋势和直方图显示 可重复测量周期、脉冲宽度和波幅等波形参数,并在图表中显示。在同一个屏幕中,可观测多个周期的波动,计算每个画面不同波形的幅度,显示波幅的趋势。也可以电压轴或时间轴为基准,显示波形参数自动测量值的直方图。 |
波形参数的趋势显示 使用时间轴的直方图显示 |
自动读取电压/时间差 - 光标测量 - 光标放在显示的信号波形上,并显示光标和波形的交叉点处的多个测量值。有5种光标类型:ΔT、ΔV、ΔT&ΔV、标记、角度光标。 |
同步电平,使用ΔT&ΔV光标 |
频谱分析功能 - FFT分析 - 可最多执行两个FFT分析。除了CH1到CH4的实际波形外,还可对运算波形进行FFT分析。可以方便地分析波形滤波前后的频率成分,以及旋转体移动的周期、频率变化等。
一键保存波形 通过按下屏幕右下角的快照键,即可为当前屏幕显示波形保留一条白色迹线。可方便地重复按下此键,保留多条波形迹线以便比较。此外,屏幕上的快照数据可以文件形式保存或加载,当进行波形比较时,当作参考波形。 |
以缩略图方式显示保存的文件 可以显示波形数据文件、波形图像数据文件以及波区文件的缩略图。会显示图像和文件名称,以便在复制或删除文件时可以查看屏幕图像内容。可以放大文件以确认数据。 |
已保存文件的缩略图 可按实际大小查看缩略图 |
拥有触发GO/NO-GO功能 使用触发条件、区域波形、测量参数和其它标准设定GO/NO-GO。对于NO-GO,可以设定动作,比如发出蜂鸣声、保存当前波形或向指定电子邮件地址发送通知。可以将出现异常的波形保存起来,以便日后对此现象进行确认和分析。 |
使用图形在线帮助来检查功能 通过按下屏幕左下角的“?”键,可以查看录波计仪器功能的详细图形化说明。这样,您就可以在屏幕上获取与功能和操作相关的帮助,而不用查看操作手册。 |
丰富的触发功能: 可设置很多种触发条件,比如ID/data组合触发、串行总线触发与普通边沿触发的组合触发。
I2C |
FlexRay |
模拟输入 |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
逻辑输入 |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
NA |
NA |
NA |
开关损耗分析 电压电流波形可以输入到62.5MW (最大)的长内存(/M2型号),以便进行开关损耗计算(V(t) xI(t))。支持多种开关损耗分析,包括开/关损耗计算,连续损耗以及长周期损耗(50Hz/60Hz)。 |
基于EN61000-3-2的电源电流谐波分析 根据IEC标准可以将目标设备产生的谐波归入适当的级别(A-D级)。柱状图和列表用于显示谐波分析电流限值与实际测量计算值的比较结果。 |
谐波电流图形显示 |
型号 | 描述 |
710105 | 数字示波器DLM2022:2ch,200MHz |
710110*1 | 混合示波器DLM2024 4ch,200MHz |
710115 | 数字示波器DLM2032 2ch,350MHz |
710120*1 | 混合示波器DLM2034 4ch,350MHz |
710125 | 数字示波器DLM2052 2ch,500MHz |
710130*1 | 混合示波器DLM2054 4ch,500MHz |
Main contenders at 9999$ price point: Yokogawa DLM2054 (base DLM under 5K$ 2010 ) v. Tek DPO3054. HP5000/6000 and LeCroy were early round knock-outs.
Result: DLM2054 far better than DPO3054. After using DLM, DPO3054 seems a toy. DLM2000 series wins by a wide margin
Yokogawa DLM2054 & Tek DPO3054 used side-by-side in daily use for 2 years. We were a Tek+HP shop, then a LeCroy deep memory shop, then Tek shop, now Yokogawa shop.
DLM has far better screen resolution, far better DPO accumulate, many more features. After using the DLM real time user-setable bandwidth features, and the infinite impulse response low pass, band pass, and high pass math channel features, we can not consider going back to any 'scope without. With the wide range of filter bandwidths on DLM, we can filter out the noise and see the hidden signal. With the DLM, we can show our customers the clean beautiful excellent step response while filtering out the switching transients. No way to make such plot with the DPO3054, with its single 20MHz low pass. Tek does not offer similar filtering on even their highest-end 'scopes as far as the Tek sales person and Tek FAE could demonstrate, Tek "FilterVu" was only on the lower-end Tek, was it the 2000 series, and it seemed so Mickey MouseTM and nearly useless in comparison, so many limitations. The DPO feature on DLM seems full featured, whereas DPO on DPO3054 seems so very limited. In these and other senses, Yokogawa's lowest-price-point offering offers features that no other 'scope supplier offers at any price. And the DLM re-trigger rate, frame rate, is far higher than DPO3054, so it captures far more data far faster to use in the DPO display. I have also used the higher price point DL9000 series, and was very pleased to find that Yokogawa left most of the features in the DLM2000 series. The form factor small footprint is superior (use rubber, not plastic, feet, DLM so light it slides).
We commend Yokogawa on the jewel-like quality and keeping much of their feature set across their entire line-up.
We highly recommend the Yokogawa DLM2000 'scopes and all Yokogawa 'scopes.
1. Our 3 Tek DPO3054s have failed and had to be sent back for repair 3 times, 2 went black suddenly, one USB burn out. No problems with 5 DLMs.
2. Our Tek DPO3054 knobs have gotten noisy to the point of making the DPO3054 nearly useless. Where is the longevity?
3. DLM has web server remote control, DPO3054 does not. Ditto for so many other features.
4. DLM3054 is super with PC mouse, keyboard, but no USB hub has ever worked, can have only 2 of the 3 wants simultaneously: USB drive, mouse, and keyboard.
5. TEK DPO3054 input attenuators have 400% wider dynamic range than DLM: 300 v. 150 Vrms & 1 v. 2 mV/div, 2x at either end.
6. Use a cable from back panel trigger input to alligator clip to calibrator signal to emulate the DPO3054 much missed force trigger button.
7. DLM can pack far more Measure results on screen than DPO3054, DPO3054 measure results go over, and block, the signal, DLM does not, terrific display!.
8. The history features are terrific. I use the screen snap shot constantly to quickly compare waveforms. Tek saves 2 waveforms easily, some here prefer the Tek way.
9. Strange but true, Tek will not display a single waveform in auto or norm trigger, always 2 or more. Only way to do it seems to be single trigger mode. Bad TEK.
10. Tek users can easily make the user interface switch. I liked the Yokogawa user interface, both DL & DLM, from the first minute. I like Tek's interface also.
11. Even 10 year old Epson printers work, only the latest HP OfficeJet 6000 (2010) or later HP printers worked with the firmware that the DLMs shipped with.
Great Scope! I like the operation and sampling. This is something I'll be looking at for scope options for our lab.
无源探头,1000V(DC+ACpeak) CAT II, 200MHz, 10:1, 10MΩ, 2.5m
宽工作温度范围(-40 to 85°C)
适用于DLM2000 和 DLM4000 系列
BNC-BNC 2m。用于2个单元的同步测量的连接,或用于输入外部触发信号。
DLM2000 Firmware 2.37分析功能增加了功率分析功能。
The AC Power Input in all Yokogawa instruments is designed as a 3-pin connection (one of which is a GND pin). In some parts of the world, PCs are sold with AC power cables that are 2-pin. Often times this means the ...
You can disable the soft menu from saving to a screenshot by setting the Mode to Normal through the Utility menu.
The DL series instruments are capable of measuring the delay between traces or the delay between channels. The measured output value can be displayed in either time or degree. To setup the DL850 Scopecorder to measure delay, follow ...
The DLM2000 Series mixed signal oscilloscopes are capable of performing enhanced parameter measurements and calculations. This feature allows you to perform automated measurements of waveform parameters of two different areas. It ...
For the DLM2000 Mixed Signal Oscilloscope with user-defined math (G2 Option), you can calculate the ratio of two voltages in decibels. The formula for calculating the ratio of two voltages in dB is: dB = ...
Decimation is a technique used to reduce the total number of samples. You can use Xviewer to perform decimation on your waveform data files that have the WDF/WVF/ASCII CSV extension format. Decimation reduces the ...
With the DLM2000 series mixed signal oscilloscope, up to 20,000 previously captured waveforms can be saved into the acquisition memory. You can use the HISTORY function to search, display and save just one or all of ...
There are two methods to programmatically determine if the calculations for waveform parameters is completed on the DL series oscilloscopes. Send the :MEAS:WAIT? command. This will ensure that no other commands are ...
If your DL series oscilloscope is not measuring rise or fall time, it may be because you are attempting to measure asymmetric waveforms. It is not possible to perform automatic rise or fall time measurements on DL ...
High Resolution mode can be used to remove high frequency noise and increase vertical resolution. It achieves this by increasing the number of effective bits per data to 12-bits through digital and bandwidth filters.
The timestamp on the DLM2000 Mixed Signal Oscilloscope corresponds to the end of waveform acquisition and is the time of the very last acquisition. Likewise, the timestamp in history corresponds to the last waveform acquisition.Please ...
The DLM2000 Mixed Signal Oscilloscope have a unique feature that will allow you to save the timestamps in the History List. Please verify or update the firmware version on your DLM2000 to version 1.81 or later. There are two different save ...
Even though the display record length is shorter than the specified record length, measurement is made over the full record length. There is no function that allows you to move the display position to view the other ...
The Time Axis Accuracy is the accuracy of the A/D clock. It is not possible to directly measure the A/D clock and the A/D clock is not output from the ScopeCorder DL850/SL1400. To verify the accuracy of the A/D clock, you will ...
Please verify the following items: USB does not exceed 16 GB Latest firmware is installed on DLM2000 USB Format is FAT32 USB works properly on PC Test USB on another USB port If the problem persists, please ...
Yes, the DLM2000 Mixed Signal Oscilloscope can decode and analyze J1939.
Question:If the DL9000 Oscilloscopes is in normal trigger mode and no waveform acquisitions have been made i.e. the scope has not triggered, a query to the instrument using the :Waveform:Record or :History:Record? Minimum it returns ...
Can we upgrade the DLM2000 Mixed Signal Oscilloscope memory to /M2? No – DLM2000 Memory is factory only (must be ordered at time of new purchase); there is not a mod available for this type of upgrade.
Frequency to Voltage Conversion Problem: A transducer produces a sine-wave output dependant on the voltage-input; here is how to decode that output with a scope or a ScopeCorder. For 3kV input, the transducer ...
The DL850 can be installed with one of the following language options:JapaneseEnglishChineseKoreanGermanFrenchItalianSpanishRussianFor the English (-HE) model, the menu and message language can be changed in the UTLITY ...
In the menu of GO/NO-GO Zone Editor determination, there is no menu option for setting the for measuring range.The measuring range can be set in the Area1 sub-menu of the Automated Waveform Measurement Parameter menu..
The DLM2000 Mixed Signal Oscilloscopes can save multiple waveform history data to 1 file when the file type is set to Binary format. However, when the file save type is set to ASCII, only the displayed waveform data can be saved regardless ...
When using voltage probes, please set the channel probe mode using the command :CHANnel:PROBe 10.00 or 0.01. When using current probe, please set the channel probe mode using the command :CHANnel:PROBe C10 or ...
The free software DL-GATE can be used for the following products only:DL1700E seriesDL7400 series (firmware version after 1.32)DL1600 series (firmware version after 1.13)DL750 series (firmware version after ...
The DLM2000 mixed signal oscilloscopes has a Serial Bus Analysis option from /F1 to /F4. This includes the CAN, LIN, UART, I2C, and SPI protocols. However, there is one more User-Defined Serial Bus Analysis, which is not an add-on ...
How to use SNTP on DL850 ScopeCorder The sequence below is very important for SNTP to work properly.1. Set DATE/TIME and GMT Time Difference to your location FIRST. EDT is -4 hours, EDT is -5 hours - as examples. 2. Set a SNTP ...
The sanitation procedure for various Yokogawa oscilloscopes have been documented below. Please download the document or pdf that refers to your Yokogawa oscilloscope.
The Yokogawa .SNP file is a proprietary Yokogawa file format for saving waveform snapshots. This file has no relation to the Microsoft Snapshot Viewer program. The .SNP file can only be viewed on the oscilloscope.
Yes, the HDMI pinout carries the I2C on pins 15 and 16 of the HDMI connector cable. The HDCP (content protecting encryption keys) signal is carried on pins 15 and 16.
To use wireless mouses or keyboards on a device, a driver needs to be installed. Yokogawa instruments will not let you install drivers on the device, therefore it is not possible to connect a wireless mouse or ...
Please see the attached document for complete instructions on how to get connected to the DLM2000 Mixed Signal Oscilloscope using Xviewer.
Please download the attached document for detailed instructions on how to work around the DLM2000 Mixed Signal Oscilloscope ASCII record length limit Error Code 545
Please download the attached article. This article discusses the three types of display interpolation found in the Yokogawa DL9000 and SB5000 Digital Oscilloscopes. It is also applicable to other Yokogawa Oscilloscopes.
Yes, VXI-11 is required and needs to be enabled for the DLM2000 Mixed Signal Oscilloscope to connect properly to Xviewer when using an ethernet connection. If the VXI-11 option is unchecked, a connection failed message will appear. Related ...
Yes, DLM2000 Mixed Signal Oscilloscope has CE Certification. Please see attached documents for details.
Yes, the NAK CAN Bus Trigger is supported on the DLM2000 Mixed Signal Oscilloscope and DL9000 Digital Oscilloscope. DL9000: Refer to the IM 701310-51E (page 3-13)DLM2000: Refer to the IM 710105-02E (page 2-16)
The DLM2000 Mixed Signal Oscilloscope base model with standard storage memory capacity is 100MB. With the /C8 Option, the internal storage memory capacity is 1.8GB.
Although the DLM2000/DL9000 Mixed Signal Oscilloscope does not have a BoxAvg acquisition mode, there is an alternative method for achieving the same effect. The combination of Hi-Res mode and a low pass bandwidth filter will work in the same ...
The actual input limit for the DLM2000 Mixed Signal Oscilloscope is 212V (DC+ACpeak) for not only a 0.01 or 0.001 Hz AC signal but also a DC signal. The reason why 150 Vrms is indicated on the DLM2000 specification sheet is that the safety ...
There are three kinds of standards for which a differential probe is necessary: FlexRay CAN UART (Some but not all UART) It is not necessary to use a differential probe for the LIN, I2C and SPI standards.
If your DLM2000 has firmware version 1.245 or later, then you can use a USB flash drive to upgrade the firmware of your unit. Note:DLM2000 refers to models DLM2024, DLM2022, DLM2034, DLM2032, DLM2052, DLM2054
If you selected Decimation or P-P Compression when saving waveform data in ASCII CSV format, then the HResolution will not be equivalent to the Sampling Rate. If Decimation or P-P Compression is not selected, then ...
The true noise floor of a Yokogawa oscilloscope is ≤ 2-3mVpp. The DL9000 Digital Oscilloscope, for example, has approximately 280uV residual noise at 2mV/Div with input termination set to 50Ω. The residual noise may be measured by ...
The IEC Harmonic analysis on the DL/DLM series oscilloscopes provides a rough analysis and estimation for harmonic testing. The scope will perform an FFT on the current waveform and can be used to measure the general ...
You can express any arbitrary exponentiation, in Xviewer or DL series instruments, by using the LOG (common logarithm) and EXP (exponential) functions. For example, for C1 raised to the exponent of 0.2, the math ...
The DLM2000 Mixed Signal Oscilloscope can save all history acquisition waveforms into one file, if the data type is set to Binary (file extension *.WDF) and History Mode is set to All. If the data type is set to ASCII, only the latest ...
The Header Size entry, for a ASCII format data file, denotes the number of header lines in the header part of the ASCII File.
In general, the recommended sampling rate for CAN bus or I2C analysis is 10x the bit-rate. If the waveform is not noisy, the sampling rate can be set to around 4-5x the bit-rate.