Using DL TERM to test RS232 Comm Port on AQ6370D

1. Download DL TERM from Yokogawa support site. 2. Install DL TERM on a PC with RS232 port. 3. Set Parameters: a. 9600 baud rate b. NONE parity c. NONE flow control Baud rate. Parity. Flow control. 4. Connect a Cross-Over Cable. 5. For DL TERM, set: a. 9600; 8-NO-1; b. NO-NO for handshake b. NONE parity c. LF for terminator d. Be sure to set PORT number according to your PC hardware setup; 6. Input commands as follows, in upper area. 7. Press ENTER key and OSA will in lower area. 8. Example: *ESR?” SGL 9. Please change communication mode from AQ6370D to AQ6317 and try to send commands. 10. If communication mode is AQ6317 and you send the SGL command, the OSA should sweep one time.

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