In-Fiber Temperature Sensor Based on Green Up-Conversion Luminescence in an Er3+-Yb3+ Co-Doped Tellurite Glass Microsphere

In the below linked research paper published in Optics Letters on the Optica (OPG) website, researchers from Harbin Engineering University, the University of Limerick, and the Technological University Dublin use a Yokogawa Test&Measurement AQ6370C Optical Spectrum Analyzer to test fiber components for potential use in integrated optical sources, including lasers.

  • Title: In-Fiber Temperature Sensor Based on Green Up-Conversion Luminescence in an Er3+-Yb3+ Co-Doped Tellurite Glass Microsphere
  • Authors: Meng Zhang, Angzhen Li, Jibo Yu, Xiaosong Lu, Shunbin Wang, Elfed Lewis, Gerald Farrell, Libo Yuan, Pengfei Wang
  • Abstract: A novel, to the best of our knowledge, in-fiber temperature sensor based on green up-conversion (UC) luminescence in an Er3+-Yb3+ co-doped tellurite glass microsphere is described. The tellurite glass microsphere is located firmly inside a suspended tri-core hollow-fiber (STCHF) structure. The pump light launched via a single-mode fiber (SMF) is passed through a section of multimode fiber, which is fusion spliced between the SMF and the STCHF into the cores suspended inside the hollow fiber and coupled into the microsphere. Green and red UC emissions of the Er3+ ions are observed using 980 nm pump excitation. The temperature-sensing capability of the tellurite glass microsphere is based on the thermally coupled effect between the upper energy levels responsible for green emissions at 528 nm and 549 nm. The resulting fluorescence intensity ratio, depending on the surrounding temperature range from 303 K to 383 K, is experimentally determined, and a maximum sensitivity of 5.47×10−3  K−1 is demonstrated. This novel in-fiber microsphere-resonator-based device is highly integrated and has the additional advantages of ease of fabrication, compact structure, and low fabrication cost and therefore has great application potential in integrated optical sources including lasers.

To access the full research paper, click here: In-Fiber Temperature Sensor Based on Green Up-Conversion Luminescence in an Er3+-Yb3+ Co-Doped Tellurite Glass Microsphere

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