Sensing Methane in Air with a Mid-infrared Frequency Comb Source

In the below linked research (originally a poster session at The European Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics 2017 in Munich, Germany and now published on the Optica website), Texas A&M University, Texas A&M University at Qatar, and Florida A&M University use a Yokogawa Test&Measurement AQ6376 Optical Spectrum Analyzer to detect methane in the air.

  • Title: Sensing Methane in Air with a Mid-infrared Frequency Comb Source
  • Authors: Feng Zhu, Jinbao Xia, Aysenur Bicer, James Bounds, Alexandre Kolomenskii, James Strohaber, Lewis Johnson, Mahmood Amani, Hans Schuessler
  • Abstract: We exploited a mid-infrared frequency comb source as a high brightness laser source for trace gas detection in air with different path lengths. The MIR frequency comb source (Menlo Systems, Mid-IR Comb) was based on difference frequency generation with fiber lasers. We employed flip mirrors to reroute the mid-infrared beam for different path lengths, including a homebuilt multipass cell of ~584 m path length and open air paths of up to ~40 m. The transmission spectra were recorded with an optical spectrum analyser (Yokogawa, AQ6376).

To access the full research paper, click here: Sensing Methane in Air with a Mid-infrared Frequency Comb Source

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