How to Measure Inrush Current with Triggering

In this video, we will be demonstrating how to measure inrush current using triggers and cycle-by-cycle measurements with PX800.

PX800 is a unique power analyzer that offers accurate oscilloscope style time-based and averaging style power measurements in one unit with advanced triggering capability.

How to measure inrush current with Triggering and Cycle-by-Cycle Measurement

In this Video, Applications Engineer, Sang Lee, will be demonstrating how to measure inrush current using triggers and cycle by cycle measurements using PX800. Yokogawa PX8000:

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PX8000 - Transient Power Analyzer

  • Up to 4 wattmeters
  • 0.1% of rdg + 0.1% of rng
  • DC to 20MHz
  • Precision Power Scope
  • Waveform Capture & Analysis
  • Harmonics, Cycle-by-Cycle, and FFT Analysis

Power Analyzers and Power Meters

Measure characteristics of devices that generate, transform or consume electricity. Also called power meters or wattmeters, these devices measure parameters such as true power (watts), power factor, harmonics, and efficiency.

Precision Making
