The AQ3550 Optical Switch Box from Yokogawa Test&Measurement is a 12-channel OSW that, when paired with an optical time domain reflectometer, improves workflow efficiency. In this video we demonstrate how to use the AQ1210 Optical Time Domain Reflectometer in conjunction with the AQ3550's Multi Fiber Project function, which enables continuous measurements of 12 optical fibers and determine pass or fail results. Please note that product specifications may change without notice due to firmware updates, etc. For the most up-to-date information, please visit the firmware download page.
A 12-channel optical switch box that effectively improves workability with YOKOGAWA OTDRs.
Controlled from an OTDR, the OSW allows continuous measurement of all or a subset of the 12 channels.
The compact size makes this an ideal solution to conveniently measure multiple ribbon fibers in the field or conserve production test rack space.