[Live Webinar] Measuring Motor and Control System Efficiency

Measuring Motor and Control System Efficiency | Yokogawa Test&Measurement 


Innovations in motor and inverter technologies play a significant role in the effort to achieve global decarbonization. With motors responsible for approximately half of the world's electric energy consumption, identifying opportunities to increase system efficiencies is more important than ever.

During this webinar, engineering professionals with a focus in design, systems, or testing of motor and inverter systems will learn how to more effectively benchmark energy efficiency through accurate power analysis.

Key topics include:

  • Steps for precise high-accuracy power and energy measurements on an electric motor and inverter system
  • Critical measurement points of inverter input, inverter output, and motor output in a motor and control system
  • How voltage, current, and frequency translate into speed, torque, and power (output of the inverter and motor)
  • Bringing it all together to effectively measure motor, inverter, and overall system efficiency

Measuring Motor and Control System Efficiency 

Dates: Aug 31, 2022 8:00 AM
Location: Online
Website: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/700759866865598478

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Precision Power Analyzer WT3000

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