2023 Electric & Hybrid Vehicle Technology Expo/The Battery Show

The Electric & Hybrid Vehicle Technology Expo and The Battery Show 2023 | Yokogawa Test&Measurement

The 2023 Electric & Hybrid Vehicle Technology Expo (HEV)/The Battery Show brings together thought leaders, innovative thinkers, and engineering professionals to discuss the latest innovations and discoveries in advanced battery applications.

Stop by Booth 530 to speak with Precision Makers and learn how Yokogawa Test&Measurement power analyzers, oscilloscopes, DAQs, and ScopeCorders make a difference for R&D and production applications. Be sure to ask about “The Power of One” through multi-instrument synchronization and request a free copy of our Fundamentals of Power poster.

Dates: Sep 12 - 14, 2023
Location: Novi, Michigan
Venue: Suburban Collection Showplace | Booth 530
Website: https://www.evtechexpo.com/en/home.html

Related Industries

Related Products & Solutions

Data Acquisition (DAQ)

Yokogawa data acquisition systems give you the most flexibility and power to measure, display, store, and even actuate any number of physical or electrical phenomena.

DL350 Assistant Software

This software can be utilized for ScopeCorder DL350 data and setup file management by a PC.
Data files or setup configuration files stored in the DL350 SD card can be backed up with the press of a button.
Remote setting, start-stop control and setup file editing can also be easily done on the connected PC.

DL350 Portable ScopeCorder

A compact, battery-powered, touch screen instrument you can take into the field featuring the measurement and recording capabilities you need for maintenance and troubleshooting.

DL950 Acquisition Application Programming Interface

  • High-speed data acquisition system
  • DL950ACQAPI.dll software 
  • Application programming interface 
  • DL950 data acquisition device waveform data

DL950 ScopeCorder

The Yokogawa Test&Measurement DL950 ScopeCorder captures and analyzes a wide variety of electrical, physical sensor signals, and serial buses. It offers a unique combination of high sampling rates, for a detailed view and long recording times to monitor trends over time.

DLM5000 Series Mixed Signal Oscilloscope

The DLM5000 series offers versatile measurement options with up to 8 analog channels.

  • 4 or 8 analog channels
  • 16-bit logic + optional additional 16-bit logic
  • Bandwidth: 350 or 500 MHz
  • Sample Rate: up to 2.5 GS/s
  • Vertical resolution: 8 bit
  • High resolution mode: up to 12 bit
  • Measurement memory: up to 500 MegaPoints
  • History waveforms: up to 100,000 triggers
  • Synchronization function for up to 16 analog channels
  • Logic and Serial Bus Analysis

DLM5000HD Series High-Definition Oscilloscope

The DLM5000HD series sets a new standard for high-definition oscilloscopes.

  • 4 or 8 analog channels
  • 16-bit logic + optional additional 16-bit logic
  • Bandwidth: 350 or 500 MHz
  • Sample Rate: up to 2.5 GS/s
  • Vertical resolution: 12 bit
  • High resolution mode: up to 16 bit
  • Measurement memory: up to 1 GigaPoints
  • History waveforms: up to 200,000 triggers
  • Synchronization function for up to 16 analog channels
  • Logic and Serial Bus Analysis

High Speed Data Acquisition

  • Yokogawa high-speed data acquisition systems
  • Industry-leading isolation, bit resolution, sampling rate, and memory depth
  • Independent channel hardware and easy to use software

IS8000 Application Programming Interface

This software is an API (Application Programming Interface) that enables acquiring data from measurement instruments not supported by IS8000 and controlling IS8000 from user software.

IS8000 Integrated Software Platform

  • IS8000 comprehensive test and measurement software
  • Accelerate engineering workflow 
  • Integrate timing, control, and data collection from multiple instruments

Low Speed DAQ & Industrial Recorders

Yokogawa’s performance-leading data acquisition and logging systems, plus a wide range of paper and paperless recorders, meet all your recording needs. Universal inputs accept voltage, thermocouple and RTD signals, and offer maximum flexibility over recording span and unit scaling.

Mixed Signal Oscilloscopes

  • Yokogawa mixed signal oscilloscopes
  • Simultaneous, time correlated observations
  • Analysis of analog with digital (logic) signals
  • Troubleshooting electrical anomalies, measuring parametric values, monitoring signals

Oscilloscope Accessories

  • Comprehensive oscilloscope accessories
  • Oscilloscope cables, cases, alligator clips, adaptors, probe stands, and more
  • Compatible oscilloscope probe BNC adapters


  • Digital oscilloscopes
  • High-speed sampling
  • Range of bandwidths for electronic device design and development
  • Advantages of oscilloscope and multi-channel data recorder

Oscilloscopes Application Software

  • Yokogawa Test&Measurement oscilloscope application software
  • View, export, analyze, and manage data 

Portable Power Meters and Light Sources

A compact portable light source and optical power meter are crucial tools to test and verify that insertion losses are within specifications in fiber links deployed by cable TV, enterprise, service provider, carrier, Ethernet and FTTH networks.

Portable Power Quality Monitor/Recorder

Power quality analyzers combine the best features of a power meter with an energy panel meter, allowing them to monitor not only multi-phase power systems, but also track anomalies in the power system. 

Power Analyzer Accessories

Accessories for digital power analyzers include various voltage and current transformers, clamp-on current probes, and a selection of test leads.

Power Analyzers and Power Meters

Measure characteristics of devices that generate, transform or consume electricity. Also called power meters or wattmeters, these devices measure parameters such as true power (watts), power factor, harmonics, and efficiency.

Power Measurement Application Software

Yokogawa's Power Analyzer software manages numeric, waveform, and harmonic data measurements. It enables data logging and instrument configuration from your computer.

The Power of One

When precision test and measurement hardware and software converge to enable engineering groups to work together cohesively, it’s The Power of One.

WT5000 - Highest Precision

  • Up to 7 wattmeters / Modular
  • 0.01% of rdg + 0.02% of rng
  • DC to 1MHz
  • 4 motor inputs
  • Harmonics testing to 500th order
  • IEC 61000 compliance testing

Precision Making
