Yokogawa AQ6380 Highest Performance Optical Spectrum Analyzer awarded highest class score by 2022 Lightwave Innovation Reviews


AQ6380 Optical Spectrum Analyzer | 2022 Lightwave Innovation Reviews Award | Yokogawa Test&Measurement


Yokogawa Test&Measurement, a pioneer and leader in precision optical measurement, is pleased to announce that the latest addition to its optical spectrum analyzer line, the AQ6380 Highest Performance OSA has received the highest score, 4.5/5.0, in the Lab/Production Test Equipment class by 2022 Lightwave Innovation Reviews.

An esteemed and experienced panel of judges from the optical communications community recognized Yokogawa Test&Measurement as a high-scoring honoree, with the judges describing the AQ6380 as a “…grating-based optical analyzer with market leading resolution and wavelength range as well as enhanced automation for many measurement workflows.”

“On behalf of Lightwave Innovation Reviews, I would like to congratulate Yokogawa Test&Measurement on their high-scoring honoree status,” said Lightwave Associate Publisher and Editorial Director, Stephen Hardy. “This competitive program allows Lightwave to celebrate and recognize the most innovative products impacting the optical communications community this year.”

The AQ6380 OSA's optical wavelength resolution (down to 5 picometers) enables optical signals in close proximity to be clearly separated and accurately measured. Waveforms that were previously not visible using a standard OSA, such as modulation side peaks in the laser spectrum, can now be accurately detected using the AQ6380. This capability is often crucial to engineers who develop and validate next-generation high-speed optical signal sources. Additionally, the new RAPID sensitivity mode enables CW light sub-second measurement speeds up to 20 times faster than the previous highest resolution model, which reduces test time and increases productivity.

The AQ6380 OSA's key differentiator is that it combines high resolution (5 pm), high wavelength accuracy (+/- 5 pm), high sensitivity (-85 dBm), fast measurement speed (sub-second), and a broad wavelength range (1200 to 1650 nm) into a single grating-based instrument.

To learn more about the Yokogawa Test&Measurement AQ6380 Highest Performance Optical Spectrum Analyzer, please visit https://tmi.yokogawa.com/us/solutions/products/optical-measuring-instruments/optical-spectrum-analyzer/aq6380-optical-spectrum-analyzer/

To learn more about the 2022 Lightwave Innovation Reviews, please visit https://www.lightwaveonline.com/test/design-manufacturing/article/14233268/yokogawa-testmeasurement-aq6380-optical-spectrum-analyzer

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