第二十五届中国国际光电博览会(CIOE中国光博会)将于2024年9月11-13日在深圳国际会展中心举办。作为覆盖光电全产业链的综合型展会,CIOE中国光博会汇聚了来自全球超30个国家和地区的超3700家的优质参展企业,同期七展覆盖信息通信、精密光学、摄像头技术及应用、激光及智能制造、红外、紫外、智能传感、新型显示等板块, 是寻找研发和生产制造中所需要的材料、器件、设备及解决方案的一站式高效采购平台,也是精准商贸需求配对,快速拓展商业社交圈,把握行业发展前沿资讯和动态的商贸平台。
High Performance LONG WAVELENGTH
The AQ6375E covers not only telecommunication wavelengths, but also the SWIR region which is often used for environmental sensing and medical applications.
・Lineup of 3 models [Standard, Extended and Limited]
・Covers wavelengths
1200 to 2400 nm [Standard, and Limited]
1000 to 2500 nm [Extended ]
MWIR WAVELENGTH with internal gas purge and cut filter
The AQ6376E is the latest version of our bench-top optical spectrum analyzer extending the wavelength coverage well beyond the NIR range of our previous models into the MWIR region from 1500 to 3400 nm.
Popular applications include the detection of gases such as carbon oxides (COx), nitrogen oxides (NOx), and hydrocarbon gas (CxHy) for environmental studies.