How to do a better RESET with AQ6370C

There is a LabVIEW VI (function) in your libraries called YKAQ6370 Preset Factory This function does not appear to clear everything out, for example, it does not clear-out the Stored Programs. From the OSA User’s Manual, you have a discussion in Section 9.2 that states: You can restore all settings to their factory defaults.

The following four types of initialization are available depending on the items to be initialized.

• PARAMETER CLEAR The parameter setting value of each function is initialized. Waveform data of TRACE A - G is also initialized. Use this to return the settings of the instrument to the already-known states.

• PARAM&DATA CLEAR Parameter setting values as well as data including MEMORY and PROGRAM are initialized.

• CAL DATA CLEAR Alignment adjustment values and wavelength calibration values are initialized.

• ALL CLEAR Current parameter setting values and data as well as alignment adjustment values and wavelength calibration values are initialized.

But, I would prefer to clear any or all of these settings from my Application; can you tell me what command needs to be called to perform this operation?

Answer: Preset should work. Its a fairly new feature and actually a button added to the front panel. PARAMETER INITIALIZE ALL CLEAR :SYSTem:PRESet

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