Correlation of Performance Optimizations and Energy Consumption for Stencil-Based Application on Intel Xeon Scalable Processors

In the below linked research paper published on IEEE Xplore, researchers from Częstochowa University of Technology and University of Naples Federico II use a Yokogawa Test&Measurement WT310 Digital Power Analyzer to attain accurate and reliable power and energy measurements from the ccNUMA/SMP system. 

  • Title: Correlation of Performance Optimizations and Energy Consumption for Stencil-Based Application on Intel Xeon Scalable Processors
  • Authors: Lukasz Szustak; Roman Wyrzykowski; Tomasz Olas; Valeria Mele
  • Abstract: This article provides a comprehensive study of the impact of performance optimizations on the energy efficiency of a real-world CFD application called MPDATA, as well as an insightful analysis of performance-energy interaction of these optimizations with the underlying hardware that represents the first generation of Intel Xeon Scalable processors. Considering the MPDATA iterative application as a use case, we explore the fundamentals of energy and performance analysis for a memory-bound application when exposed to a set of optimization steps that increase the application performance, by improving the operational intensity of code and utilizing resources more efficiently. It is shown that for memory-bound applications, optimizing toward high performance could be a powerful strategy for improving the energy efficiency as well. In fact, for the considered performance optimizations, the energy gain is correlated with the performance gain but with varying degrees. As a result, these optimizations allow improving both performance and energy consumption radically, up to about 10.9 and 8.8 times, respectively. The impact of the Intel AVX-512 SIMD extension on the energy consumption and performance is demonstrated. Also, we discover limitations on the usability of CPU frequency scaling as a tool for balancing energy savings with admissible performance losses.

To access the full research paper, click here: Correlation of Performance Optimizations and Energy Consumption for Stencil-Based Application on Intel Xeon Scalable Processors

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WT300E - Economy

  • Up to 3 wattmeters
  • 0.1% of rdg + 0.05% of rng
  • DC, 0.1Hz to 100kHz
  • Standby Power, Energy Star®, SPEC Power® and IEC62301/EN50564


Power Analyzers and Power Meters

Measure characteristics of devices that generate, transform or consume electricity. Also called power meters or wattmeters, these devices measure parameters such as true power (watts), power factor, harmonics, and efficiency.

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