Hybrid Integration of Second- and Third-Order Highly Nonlinear Waveguides on Silicon Substrates

In the below linked paper, a University of Central Florida researcher uses a Yokogawa Test&Measurement AQ6370B Optical Spectrum Analyzer to map the properties of a new silicon waveguide fiber.

  • Title: Hybrid Integration of Second- and Third-Order Highly Nonlinear Waveguides on Silicon Substrates
  • Authors: Guillermo Fernando Camacho Gonzalez
  • Abstract: In order to extend the capabilities and applications of silicon photonics, other materials and compatible technologies have been developed and integrated on silicon substrates. A particular class of integrable materials are those with high second- and third-order nonlinear optical properties. This work presents contributions made to nonlinear integrated photonics on silicon substrates, including chalcogenide waveguides for over an octave supercontinuum generation, and rib-loaded thin-film lithium niobate waveguides for highly efficient second-harmonic generation. Through the pursuit of hybrid integration of the two types of waveguides for applications such as on-chip self-referenced optical frequency combs, we have experimentally demonstrated fabrication integrability of chalcogenide and thin-film lithium niobate waveguides in a single chip and a pathway for both second- and third-order nonlinearities occurring therein. Accordingly, design specifications for an efficient nonlinear integrated waveguide are reported, showing over an octave supercontinuum generation and frequency selectivity for second-harmonic generation, enabling potentials of on-chip interferometry techniques for carrier-envelope offset detection, and hence stabilized optical combs.

To access the full research paper, click here: Hybrid Integration of Second- and Third-Order Highly Nonlinear Waveguides on Silicon Substrates

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