WTViewer Time Stamp

The time stamp of "WTViewer" is the time the PC processed it, no the timestamp of the WT itself. This can vary depending on the processing capacity of the personal computer in use. Reducing the number of items being saved or closing the waveform display can help with inconsistent PC processed time stamps.

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WTViewerE Application Software

WTViewerE software enables PC connectivity for Yokogawa power analyzers such as the WT5000, WT3000E/ WT3000, WT1800E/ WT1800 , WT500 and WT300E/WT300 through Ethernet, USB, GPIB or RS232. This connectivity allows users to easily control, monitor, collect, analyze, and save measurements remotely.

Power Measurement Application Software

Yokogawa's Power Analyzer software manages numeric, waveform, and harmonic data measurements. It enables data logging and instrument configuration from your computer.

Precision Making
