How to Measure a Gas Cell with an OSA

Application Engineer Danielle walks us through how to use an optical spectrum analyzer (OSA) to measure a gas cell in just a few easy steps.

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AQ6375E Long Wavelength 1200 to 2400 nm and 1000 to 2500 nm

High Performance LONG WAVELENGTH
The AQ6375E covers not only telecommunication wavelengths, but also the SWIR region which is often used for environmental sensing and medical applications.
・Lineup of 3 models [Standard, Extended and Limited]
・Covers wavelengths
     1200 to 2400 nm [Standard, and Limited]
     1000 to 2500 nm [Extended ]

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Optical Spectrum Analyzer

  • Optical Spectrum Analyzer to measure and display power distribution of an optical source
  • Optical analyzer trace displays power in vertical scale and wavelength in horizontal scale

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  • Serves demand for high capacity fiber lines and new component technologies

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