What is Blocknumber and Blocksize in a DL750 ScopeCorder ASCII Header?

What is Blocknumber and Blocksize in a DL750 ScopeCorder ASCII Header?
(example attached)
The “BlockNumber” relates to the number of records (acquisitions) you saved to the binary file.
EXAMPLE: if you saved 2 acquisitions from History Memory to a single binary file, then the “BlockNumber” will be 2.
If you saved 10 acquisitions from History Memory in a single binary file, then the “BlockNumber” will be 10.
“BlockSize” is the total number of data points.
From the screen shot example, the “BlockSize” is 100100.
Meaning that you will at least have “100100” number of rows in the CVS file.
However, you will also have to account for the number of rows used for header information in the CSV file.
This number remains constant (say X). Therefore the total number of rows in the CSV file will be “X + BlockSize”.


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