How Long is the WE7251/WE7271/WE7272/WE7275 Digitizer Module's Record Length?

For high-speed data recording in trigger mode/gate mode, the digitizer module is equipped with internal memory to store measurement data in order to record reliable data without receiving any effects of the load condition on the PC side. The record length for the WE7251 is 1 Mword, or 4 Mword for the WE7271/WE7272/WE7275.

The record length per channel is this number divided by the number of measurement channels per module (in the case of the WE7271/WE7272, when you select 3 channels, it is considered to be four). However, when connecting multiple WE7251s together, the memory is 100K word per channel regardless of the actual number of measurement channels.

Example : When using four channels with the WE7271/WE7272, you can use 1 Mword per channel.

Note: The maximum record length (memory length) is one-half of the above mentioned values when using the [Repeat] function, which takes measurement data repeatedly in trigger mode. Example: When using four channels on the WE7271/WE7272 in trigger mode with the repeat function, the memory per channel is 4M/4/2=500 kword.

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