Reading Urms and Umn simultaneously with WT310

The Urms and Umn values can be simultaneously read and retrieved using communication commands, only if the instrument is in WT300 IEE 488.2 mode.
The WT300 has two communication command modes:
  • IEE 488.2 in WT210/WT230 compatible mode
  • IEE 488.2 in WT300 mode

When WT210/WT230 compatibility mode is enabled, the following IEE 488.2 mode utilizes the communication commands of the WT210/WT230. Therefore you can use communication commands to receive the voltage data Urms, Umn, or Udc selected by the display mode. You can only read and receive data for one measurement type RMS, MEAN, or DC at a given time.

When the WT210/WT230 compatibility mode is disabled, the following IEE 488.2 mode utilizes the communication commands used by the WT300. Therefore you can use communication commands to receive the voltage data Urms, Umn, Udc and U (decided by the display mode) simultaneously.

In summary, when using LabVIEW, you can receive the Urms, Umn, and Udc values simultaneously using the WT300's original IEE 488.2 mode. When you set the WT300 into WT210/WT230 IEE 488.2 compatible mode, you can not receive Urms, Umn, and Udc simultaneously.

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