For details on the "OF" command, see the following:
Now if you send "OD" and read out the measured data, 3 data are output as shown in the following example.
Output: V 1N 004.083E+0,A 1N 050.008E+0,W 1N 0202.69E+0
In the example, the first data (004.083E+0) is the V value on element 1, the next data (050.008E+0) is the A value on element 1, and the last data (0202.69E+0) is the W value from element 1. The "V….1N" portion before each value is called the header, and expresses, from left to right, the measurement function, element, and data condition.
For details on the data output format, see the following:
Für einen effizienten Energie-Einsatz wird eine genauere und zuverlässigere Leistungsmessung immer wichtiger. Einschwingvorgänge, STANDBY-Modus, Transformatoren, Tests und verzerrte Signale durch Inverter, Motoren, Beleuchtungsschaltungen, Stromversorgungen etc., erfordern stabile, vertrauenswürdige und normgerechte Messungen.