AQ2212 Frame Controller (9 Steckplätze)

The AQ2211 and AQ2212 frame controllers are platforms for the AQ2200 Multi Application Test System. These frame controllers contain a variety of measurement applications that enable you to get the information you need without connecting an external controller PC. In addition, they have three different external interfaces, so you can always use the best interface for a particular measurement application.

  • Easy-to-view color display
  • USB port for data storage
  • Measurement module "hot-swapping" capability
  • Remote monitoring and measurement through a LAN

AQ2202 FRAME CONTROLLER is also available

The AQ2211 and AQ2212 both have a 320×240-dot, wide-viewing-angle, high-resolution color TFT display for easy viewing. Even detailed graphs are easy to view on this display.

J016 Tm Aq2201 02

AQ2211 frame controller

J016 Tm Aq2201 03

AQ2211 frame controller

Display screen showing all installed modules

Multi User Function NEW!

Up to 5 users can access to a frame controller simultaneously.
Possible to control individual modules.

AQ2211 1

Macro Programming Function NEW! Coming Soon (Dec. 2009)

Easy way to build auto-measurement systems, not requiring an external PC to run.
Easy programming with Macro creator, PC application software.

AQ2211 2

USB port for data storage
The USB port located on the front panel makes it easy to quickly save and load data. Measurements are saved in CSV format, so they can be easily imported into almost any PC application.



AQ2211 3



Measurement module "hot-swapping" capability

Measurement modules can be inserted or removed without turning off the power. This hot-swapping capability makes it easier to reconfigure your system. (warm-up time still required to ensure accurate measurements.)

Remote monitoring and measurement through a LAN

The AQ2211 and AQ2212 support USB and Ethernet as well as GP-IB, which is the standard interface for measuring instruments. Ethernet support makes remote monitoring and control even easier.

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Quick Response in Remote Control New!

Fast remote command processing
Fast LAN: 100BASE-TX compatible


Remote Viewer Software 

Displays the frame controller screen on PC.
Controls the frame as if operating on the real frame.
AQ2211 5


AQ2200-112 LS Module (DFB, 1/2 channels)

  • AQ2200-112 Light source module
  • High output level stability performance
  • AQ2200 Multi-Application Test System

AQ2200-212 Sensor Module (800 to 1700 nm)

The AQ2200-212 is single channel sensor module with an analog output port.

AQ2200-222 Dual Sensor Module (800 to 1700 nm)

Increase your testing power and capability with the AQ2200-222 sensor module.

AQ2200-215 Sensormodul (hohe Leistung bis +30dBm, großer Wellenlängenbereich)

Ideal für die Messung der Ausgangsleistung von Übertragungseinrichtungen und optischen Faserverstärkern. 

AQ2200-232 Optical Sensor Head (Large diameter detector, 800 to 1700 nm), AQ2200-242 Optical Sensor Head (Large diameter detector, 400 to 1100 nm), AQ2200-202 Interface Module (2-channels)

  • AQ2200-232 Optical Sensor Head (Large diameter detector, 800 to 1700 nm)
  • AQ2200-242 Optical Sensor Head (Large diameter detector, 400 to 1100 nm)
  • AQ2200-202 Interface Module (2-channels)
  • High performance optical sensor heads and interface module 

AQ2200-411 Optical Switch Module

Superior switching reproducibility
Compact optical switches

AQ2200-412 Optical Switch Module

Superior switching reproducibility
Compact optical switches

AQ2200-421 Optisches Schaltmodul

Das AQ2200-421 zeichnet sich durch höchste Reproduzierbarkeit der Schaltvorgänge und kompakte optische Schalter aus.

AQ9335C(FC) Connector Adapter for optical sensors

FC connector, for optical sensors
(A light shielding cap is not included)

AQ9335C(SC) Connector Adapter for optical sensors

SC connector, for optical sensors
(A light shielding cap is not included)

AQ9335C(LC) Connector Adapter for optical sensors

LC connector, for optical sensors
(Dust protection cap is not included)

AQ9335C(MU) Connector Adapter for optical sensors

MU connector, for optical sensors
(Dust protection cap is not included)

M3407HA Light shielding cap (FC)

Light shielding cap for FC connector

M3407HB Light shielding cap (SC)

Light shielding cap for SC connector

M3407HD Dust protection cap (LC)

Dust protection cap for LC connector

M3407HE Dust protection cap (MU)

Dust protection cap for MU connector



    This video demonstrates side mode suppression ratio (SMSR) analysis using an AQ6370E OSA and explains how to adjust the signal span to capture side modes and execute SMSR analysis to detect and locate the closest peaks from a 1310 nanometer laser via a connected light source module. SMSR analysis allows engineers to quickly identify and quantify the differences between the main peak and any side peaks in terms of nanometers and power which helps ensure the quality and accuracy of a laser's output. Manufacturers want to see a single, clean peak in a laser's output without side modes or additional peaks, to indicate a laser is performing as expected.


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