When Performing a "ZONE" Search Using DL750 ScopeCorder History, if "No Matching Record" is Found in History, the DL750 Displays a Warning Message. Is There a Programmatic Method to Check/Read This Warning Message?

Unfortunately there is no way to read these warning messages on the DL750 ScopeCorder. In addition, there is no other command available to determine if there was "No Matching Record" found in History for a particular ZONE condition.
Typically, if you had 20 records in HISTORY, and you performed a ZONE condition search, then to find all the records (in History) that matched the ZONE condition programmatically, you will have to perform a series of command sequences to determine those record numbers.

- "-20" records in History
- After executing ":HISTORY:EXECUTE", record numbers -3, -9, and -15 matched the ZONE condition.
The program script to determine the record numbers that matched the ZONE condition will be as follows:
Reply is “-3”
Reply is “-9”
Reply is “-15”
Reply is “-15”
When the reply to ":HISTORY:RECORD?" is the same as previous query, this means that there are no more records availble in History that matched the ZONE condition.

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