If you want to know the condition of the "Check Range" LED indicator for voltage and current, you will need to read three bits in the Extended Event Register. "Bit-6", "Bit-7", and "Bit-8" needs to be read to know the status of the "Check Range" indicator on the front panel for Element 1.
There are two possible cases that cause the "Check Range" indicator to illuminate red. The "Check Range" LED will illuminate red if either condition occurs. Keep in mind that the voltage and current ranges are defined in RMS values.
Bit-6 of the condition register is defined as the "measured data over" bit. This bit corresponds to Case 1 and will return an ASCII value of "1" if the RMS measured/computed data of the input element exceeds the RMS range value.
Bit-7 of the condition register is defined as the "voltage peak over" bit. This bit corresponds to Case 2 and will return an ASCII value of "1" if the voltage value of the input element exceeds the PEAK value.
Bit-8 of the condition register is defined as the "current peak over" bit. This bit corresponds to Case 2 and will return an ASCII value of "1" if the current value of the input element exceeds the PEAK value.
Die Leistungsmesstechnik von Yokogawa zeichnet sich durch höchste Präzision und Stabilität und beste Leistung im Hinblick auf Genauigkeit, Lesbarkeit, simultane Messfunktionen, fortschrittliche Berechnungen sowie Oberwellen- und Flicker-Messungen aus.
Für einen effizienten Energie-Einsatz wird eine genauere und zuverlässigere Leistungsmessung immer wichtiger. Einschwingvorgänge, STANDBY-Modus, Transformatoren, Tests und verzerrte Signale durch Inverter, Motoren, Beleuchtungsschaltungen, Stromversorgungen etc., erfordern stabile, vertrauenswürdige und normgerechte Messungen.