The DL950 is a unique combination of a mixed signal oscilloscope and portable data acquisition recorder that can be used to capture both high speed transient events and long run trends
Only a ScopeCorder has the right combination of channel count, input types, triggering, and recording to tackle the job of electromechanical systems development and troubleshooting. With its multiple measurement types, excellent performance, and high reliability, the DL950 ScopeCorder will quickly become the most valued instrument in your lab.
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Accurately captures switching waveforms of inverters and fastmoving noises around the power supply.
Using 10 Gbps Ethernet, up to 20 MS/s of data can be stored in real time on a PC. An SFP+ module, a fiber optic cord, and the PC software IS8000 are used for data transfer. *Please use a commercially available SFP+ module and a 10 GE fiber optic cord.When transferring files, high speed transfer is not possible.
The number of channels can be extended up to 160 by connecting up to four sub units to a single main unit with optical fiber cords. Synchronize measure start/stop, trigger, and sample clock of the sub units from the main unit.
Time synchronization with IEEE1588 signals is available. With the /C40 option, the DL950 can output IEEE1588 master signals. Time synchronization using IRIG and GPS is also available (/C35 option).
Applications *Please use the Optical Transceiver Module 720941 and the Fiber Optic Cord 720942
Touch any application icon and the graphical setup screen appears. Intuitively change the settings prior to measurement by following the wizard screen.
The /MT1 option calculates Park and Clarke transformations in the DL950 from battery DC voltage/current, three-phase motor voltage/ current, and motor rotation information.
It can be combined with motor parameters, power measurement, and harmonic analysis.
A single DL950 can also integrate other measurements such as vibration, temperature, and CAN monitoring.
A single DL950 is all you need to evaluate a system with battery-driven motors, such as an EV. The DL950 calculates the conversion efficiency from the input and output power of the inverter and analyzes the effects of harmonics caused by external disturbances while capturing mechanical variations in motor speed and torque.
The DL950 can calculate the rotation angle from the pulses output from an encoder and display the trend of the rotation angle as a waveform. The rotation angle and its control signal can be simultaneously observed and inspected for abnormalities.
For durability testing, it is necessary to capture transient phenomena with a high-speed sample rate, even when monitoring low-speed data to visualize long-term trends. The dual capture function uniquely resolves these conflicting requirements by simultaneously recording at two different sample rates.
Load, pressure, and acceleration can be measured by connecting a strain gauge-type transducer such as a load cell or torque sensor. This feature automatically calculates conversions from cumbersome calibration values and enables easy setting.
Special triggers are used to detect frequency fluctuations, voltage drops, and other phenomena that are difficult to detect with ordinary triggers. These triggers can also be used to detect typical power supply problems such as momentary power loss, sags, and surges.
With up to 8 G points of memory and 20 seconds of continuous capturing, even at 200 MS/s, no signal changes are missed. *Up to 4 G points of memory is allocated per channel.
The 512 GB internal SSD can record for long periods of time at up to 2 MS/s. Waveforms from dual capture can also be recorded, which is useful for in-vehicle endurance testing and capturing rare spontaneous events.
Long time recording at up to 20 MS/s, which is 100 times faster than the previous model, is available. You can capture data anywhere you cannot bring a PC such as on-vehicle or field testing. The flash memory is non-volatile, so the captured data stays in the instrument even after turning off the power. Data can later be transfered to a PC.
Deletion of the recorded data on the flash memory is not done for each recorded data but for all the data at once.
When transferring recorded data to a PC, please use the IS8000 or re-save the data in WDF format.
Sample rates can be set by channel. Reducing the sample rate reduces the amount of data even when modules with high and low sample rates are mixed together. This allows for less memory space to be used and improves the transfer speed.
Various calculations are performed on captured signals and the results are displayed on the screen in real time. Perform triggers, automatic waveform parameter measurements, and cursor measurements. Independent input channels, real-time calculation results of 32 input channels plus 16 real time math channels can be displayed and analyzed simultaneously.
Any abnormalities occurring during repeated waveform measurement will have disappeared by the time they are noticed. Since the DL950 stores up to 5000 waveforms (history waveforms) in the acquisition memory, it is possible to go back and display the abnormal waveforms. Search for and easily find waveforms from the stored history waveforms and display only those that match specified conditions. Search conditions such as amplitude, frequency, or a zone that a waveform passes through or does not pass through can be specified.
This performs multiple actions specified in advance when a trigger occurs, such as saving data file, buzzer and email transmission. Also, pass or fail (GO/NO-GO) determination can be performed based on waveform parameters, such as waveform shape or amplitude, and an action can be executed according to the determination results.
The DL950 is designed to be resistant to noise and can measure waveforms correctly even when installed close to an inverter. If the touch panel malfunctions, simply turn off the touch panel and use the keys and jog dial to operate it.
In the development of Hybrid Electric Vehicles (HEVs), a 2-motor or 4-motor system in which a motor is directly connected to each driving wheel is applied. This eliminates powertrains, which enhances the design and removes anxiety when driving a 4WD on a snowy road. The multi-channel/high-speed isolated DL950 can capture signals and analyze them at the same time in the multiple motor systems.
The DL950 measures the DC power on the battery side and the AC power on the 3-phase motor side at the same time. It simultaneously measures all inverters, including the power generation motor, and evaluates the conversion efficiency. With its high noise immunity, the DL950 minimizes the effect of switching noise generated by the inverters. CAN, CAN FD, LIN, and SENT signals from the ECU and the temperature rise in each part can be captured at the same time. Data can be saved in a MATLAB format as well. When an isolated module is used, there is isolation between the body and channels and isolation between channels, so that different points of common potential can be safely measured.
The DL950 supports renewable energy sources which contribute to a sustainable society. For wind turbines, the efficiency of power generation at multiple locations needs to be monitored in a time-synchronized manner. This can be done by GPS and IRIG. In addition, the DC/AC conversion efficiency for loading the DC power onto the grid can be accurately measured by the WT5000 high-precision power analyzer via IS8000. The power values and their trends can be analyzed.
All moving things are bound to have vibration. The DL950’s acceleration module allows for simultaneous capture of multiple vibration frequencies. Use the FFT function to analyze the frequencies and find abnormalities.
The DL950/VCE option provides enhanced features and functions mainly for vehicle development and evaluation. Supporting 720245 CAN FD/LIN Monitor Module and 720243 SENT Monitor Module, the DL950 can display each protocol communication data of in-vehicle networks as trend waveforms on the monitor. It can also trigger on decoded waveforms.
The CAN/CAN FD bus data and related waveforms can be viewed on the same screen. For example, an ignition switch ON/OFF signal, a CAN FD signal corresponding to that command, and pressure signals can be checked on the same screen to verify the correlation between them.
By connecting an accessory GPS unit, information such as location (latitude, longitude, altitude, and so on) and time can be included in measurement data. Correlation between the location of a vehicle and power data, CAN data, or other types of data can be viewed during a vehicle drive test.
The Symbol Editor is a software tool that makes it possible to define which physical values from the CAN/CAN FD or LIN bus data frame have to be trended as waveform data on the display of the ScopeCorder. The Symbol Editor can accept vehicle-installed network definition files (CAN DBC, LIN LDF).
The IS8000 enables synchronized measurements with DL950s, Yokogawa power meters, other manufacturers’ high-speed cameras, and other equipment. It supports measurement setting, remote monitoring, comparative analysis, and MDF file saving to reduce test system development time.
The WT5000 high-precision power analyzer and DL950 support the IEEE1588 standards. This allows measured power values and transient physical quantities to be synchronized with an error of less than 10 μs and displayed on the IS8000. It is effective for efficiency evaluation and ECU design, which are essential for designing more efficient motor inverters.
By combining the DL950 and IS8000, data can be recorded directly into a PC‘s storage in real time. Using 10 Gbps Ethernet enables recording at up to 20 MS/s per channel.
720211 100 MS/s 12-Bit-Modul mit isolierten Eingängen
High-speed 10 MS/s 16-Bit isolation module (4 channels) – High noise immunity. Suitable for testing and longterm monitoring for power generators and multi-output power supplies. Provides dynamic analysis of multi-channel data recording applications. For use with the DL950 ScopeCorder.
Max. sampling rate: 10 MS/s
A/D conversion resolution: 16 bit
Number of channels: 4
Max. input voltage (DC + ACpeak): 600V / 200V
Schnelles isoliertes 1 MS/s 16 Bit Modul (2 Kanäle)
720254 1MS/s 16-Bit 4-Kanal-Modul mit isolierten Eingängen
16-Kanal Temperatur/Spannungs-Eingangsmodul
Externe Scanner-Box für das Modul 720221
Schnelles nicht isoliertes 10 MS/s 12 Bit Modul (2 Kanäle)
The 720281 Frequency Module has a 1 MS/s sample rate, 16-bit resolution, bandwidth of resolution 625 ps, 2 isolated channels, a maximum input voltage (DC+ACpeak) of 420 V*2, 42 V*3, DC accuracy of ±0.1% (Frequency), and measurement frequency of 0.01 Hz to 500 kHz. The measured parameters are frequency, rpm, period, duty, power supply frequency, distance, and speed.
Applicable to DL350, DL850 series and SL1000.
Universal-Modul ( 2 Kanäle)
Mit dem CAN/CAN FD Monitor-Modul lassen sich Signale vom CAN/CAN FD-Bus decodieren und Informationen über physische Parameter, wie Motortemperatur, Fahrzeuggeschwindigkeit und Bremspedalposition, als analoge Signalverläufe darstellen und mit den Daten der realen Sensoren vergleichen. Das Modul ist nur für die Geräte der ScopeCorder Vehicle Edition DL850V & DL850EV, DL350 (/EV Option) geeignet.
Dieses Modul interpretiert das CAN- und LIN-Protokoll, überwacht die Kommunikationsdaten auf diesen Bussen und stellt den zeitlichen Verlauf dieser Signale dar.
Universal-Modul (mit Anti-Aliasing Filter, 2 Kanäle)
Hochpräzises Temperatur/Spannungsmodul (2 Kanäle)
Das SENT-Überwachungsmodul ermöglicht eine Decodierung des SENT-Protokolls und eine Darstellung der von SENT-Sensoren übermittelten Informationen zu physikalischen Parametern.
Verwendung ausschließlich mit dem DL850V & DL850EV ScopeCorder Vehicle Edition.
Passiver Tastkopf, 1000 V(DC+ACpeak) CAT II, 60 MHz, 10:1, 10 MΩ, 2.5 m
Großer Temperaturbereich (-40 bis 85°C)
Für isolierte BNC-Eingangsmodule der ScopeCoder Serie
Dehnungsmessstreifen-Modul (NDIS, 2 Kanäle)
Passiver Tastkopf
Dehnungsmessstreifen-Modul (DSUB, Shunt-CAL, 2 Kanäle)
Beschleunigungs-/ Spannungs-Modul (mit Anti-Aliasing Filter, 2 Kanäle)
Frequenzbereich: DC bis 50 MHz
Maximaler Dauereingangsstrom: 5 Arms
Geeignet für Digital-Oszilloskope, ScopeCorder und andere Messgeräte zur Messung des Signalverlaufs.
Frequenzbereich: DC bis 120 MHz
Maximaler Dauereingangsstrom: 5 Arms
Geeignet für Digital-Oszilloskope, ScopeCorder und andere Messgeräte zur Messung des Signalverlaufs.
Frequency bandwidth: DC to 120 MHz
Maximum continuous input range: 0.5 Arms/5 Arms/30 Arms
Functions with Digital Oscilloscopes, ScopeCorders and other waveform measuring instruments
Messen Sie hohe Ströme bis 1000 A, ohne die Verdrahtung zum DUT auftrennen zu müssen. Kompatibel mit Leistungsanalysatoren, ScopeCordern und Oszilloskopen.
Eine Stromversorgung für Strom-Tastköpfe, FET-Tastköpfe, und differentielle Tastköpfe. Eignet sich als Stromversorgung für bis zu vier Tastköpfe, einschließlich großer Strom-Tastköpfe.
8-bit, non-isolated, response speed: 1µs, threshold level approx 1.4V
Two measurement leads (B9879PX and B9879KX) included.
Einsatz mit Messleitungen 758917 und 758922, 758929 oder 701954 Adapterleitungen
Beinhaltet NDIS-Kabel (5 m)
120Ω (701955)
350Ω (701956)
T-Adapter für BNC-Steckverbinder. Einsatz nur in Schaltungen mit Spannungen bis maximal 42 V.
For 702902, 702906
Ein Set mit 0,8 m langen roten und schwarzen Messleitungen für den Einsatz in Kombination mit einem Paar optionaler Krokodilklemmen 758922 oder 758929.
2 Messleitungen (rot und schwarz) in einem Set
Länge: 1,00 m
Zur Verwendung mit 701959, 758921, 758922 oder 758929
Nennspannung: 1000 V CAT III/19 A
1000 Veff-CAT II, 1,8 m lang
Sicherheit BNC-Stecker auf Sicherheits-Bananenbuchse für einen Einsatz in Kombination mit 701959, 701954, 758921, 758922 oder 758929.
701906 Lange Klemmprüfspitze
1000 Vrms CAT III, 1 set each of red and black
Equivalent to B9852MM (Color Black)
Equivalent to B9852NM (Color Red)
701948 Klemmprüfspitze
Für isolierte Tastköpfe
Das Set enthält eine schwarze und eine rote Krokodilklemme. 1000 Vrms-CAT II.
Spezifiziert für 1000 V, CAT II. Passend zu den Messleitungen 758917. Paarweise erhältlich.
Spezifiziert für 300 V. Passt zu den Messleitungen 758917. Paarweise erhältlich.
Kabelschuh-Adapter für den Anschluss eines 4 mm Bananensteckers. Das Set enthält einen schwarzen und einen roten Kabelschuh
1000 Vrms-CAT II.
701902: 1000 Vtms-CAT II (BNC-BNC), 1 m
701903: 1000 Veff-CAT II (BNC-BNC), 2 m
Der Tastkopf-Halter ermöglicht durch seinen flexiblen Ausleger und schweren Sockel eine Positionierung und Stabilisierung des Tastkopfes und vereinfacht so den Test von Baugruppen.
Maximum power point tracking (MPPT) charge controllers play a crucial role in the optimization of renewable energy system efficiency and performance. Through dynamic tracking of a renewable energy source’s maximum power point, an MPPT controller enables more efficient energy harvesting, faster charging, and adaptability to changing environmental conditions.
Modularer Transienten-Rekorder - ScopeCorder DL950
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Brompton Bicycle–Seite 4
Alles beim Alten?–Seite 3
Anna Krone über Motoren, Mut
und Messtechnik–Seite 7
Vielseitigkeit bietet Vorsprung
Der neue ScopeCorder DL950–Seite 10
Mess- und Analyse-Software
Neue Softwareplattform IS8000–Seite 12
Vom Antrieb, den Antrieb noch
besser zu machen
Wo ist dieses Jahr geblieben?–Seite 3
Produktlaunch – AQ6380 optischer
Spektrumanalysator–Seite 7
Mit Maximum „Speed“ in die Zukunft
DL950 ScopeCorder–Seite 10
Offset-Korrektur in der
Leistungsmessung–Seite 12
Bleiben Sie up to date
Aktuelle Firmware–Seite 12
DeepDrive: Mit maximaler Präzision auf
die Überholspur - Seite 4
Das Morgen ist messbar - Seite 3
Der integrierte Webserver und seine Funktionen
WT5000 - Seite 9
Analog Sensing Unit – VZ20X
NetSol - Seite 13
AC Wirkleistung braucht gleichfrequente Anteile
von Spannung und Strom - Seite 16
Willkommen in der "High Definition Familie"
Oszilloskop Serie DLM3000HD - Seite 12
Neue Modelle der AQ6370-Serie: E-volution in
Optischer Spektrum Analyse - Seite 14
Präzise Messtechnik, präzise verpackt - Seite 18
So nimmt die E-Mobilität Fahrt auf
DENSO–Seite 4
Auf zu neuen Gipfeln–Seite 3
Digitale Linefilter und Frequenzfilter bis 300 kHz Grenzfrequenz
WT5000–Seite 7
Neue Funktion: Auto Update Mode
WT5000–Seite 8
Die Mathefreiheit
SmartDAC–Seite 12
Vollindizierung zur Zustandsanalyse von Großmotoren
Hochschule Stralsund–Seite 4
Ursache & Forschung–Seite 3
Genauigkeit auf die Spitze getrieben
Kalibrierlabor Amersfoort–Seite 9
Ideale Partner bei Messaufgaben zur Optimierung von Solaranlagen
WT300E und GM10–Seite 10
Neue anwenderspezifische Darstellungsmöglichkeiten
WT5000 Präzisions-Leistungsanalysator–Seite 11
PSI5-Bus Analyse-Option für Airbag-Steuerung
DLM3000 Serie–Seite 12
We do not have an instruction manual describing the *.WDF file format structure like we did for the *.WVF files.
We provide a list of support options with more details.
The DLM series oscilloscopes (DLM5000HD, DLM5000, and DLM3000) and ScopeCorders (DL950, DL350) provide the CAN Bus symbolic decode analysis function. For DLM series, an overlay function displays the CAN packet structure directly below the time domain waveform.
The IS8000 Integrated Software Platform software platform is an integrated solution that accelerates engineering workflow. It is a revolutionary software that tightly integrates the timing, control, and data collection from multiple instruments, creating a comprehensive measurement suite that delivers confidence, efficiency, and unity.
Test and measurement engineering work groups can have differing priorities and requirements, which often results in multiple instrumentation systems and data file formats, as well as incompatible reporting. This lack of effective communication between groups and instruments causes decreased efficiency and quality and increased spending and time to market. Unify test and measurement instrumentation, software, and data across engineering teams with a suite of solutions that caters to the different needs of engineering work groups, including accurate power data, fast sampling rates, long recordings of multiple different input types, and insights into waveform data.
Looking for a turnkey high-speed data transfer solution with better bandwidth and minimal manual overhead?
The 10Gb Ethernet option on the Yokogawa Test&Measurement DL950 ScopeCorder fits that very role and makes capturing and recording high-speed data seamless and convenient.
Record data at 50 times the speeds of traditional Ethernet and USB connections and automatically transfer data to your PC in a single step using the IS8000 Integrated Software Platform.
CAN Bus communication is widely used in the transportation industry where reliable transmission of data is paramount. Monitoring and recording these communications can be easier when using the proper instruments. In this video, a Yokogawa Test&Measurement Applications Engineer demonstrates how to setup the DL950 ScopeCorder to read the temperature of a motor drive alongside its voltage and current output.
The multi-unit synchronization option for the Yokogawa Test&Measurement DL950 ScopeCorder lets you time synchronize up to five DL950 ScopeCorders, for up to 160 channels of voltage, current, temperature, strain measurements, and more. This video walks you through how to set up and connect the multiple DL950 ScopeCorders, take measurements, and pull the data from all of the instruments for analysis with the IS8000 Integrated Test and Measurement Software Platform.
Having multiple memory options allows engineering groups to optimize how data is stored, no matter if you need to record for a long time at slower sampling rates, do a fast capture at high sampling rates, or anything in between.
The Yokogawa Test&Measurement DL950 ScopeCorder operates as an oscilloscope and incorporates the ability to record data for long periods of time like a data acquisition recorder. There are four memory types on the DL950 ScopeCorder: internal memory, solid state drive, flash memory, and PC storage through the IS8000 Integrated Test and Measurement Software Platform. This videos talks about the advantages of each of these and how to pick the best data recording method for you.
With ongoing innovations in motor and inverter technologies seeking to advance global decarbonization objectives in the automotive industry, it’s crucial that engineers have a thorough understanding of how to properly analyze these systems.
This complimentary webinar provides engineering professionals involved in motor and control system development with insights that enable data benchmarking and troubleshooting issues related to energy efficiency in electric vehicle (EV) powertrains.
Key webinar topics include:
Drivetrain testing service providers require flexibility to meet diverse customer needs, from component suppliers to major car manufacturers. ATESTEO in Kassel, Germany sought adaptable test solutions for their automotive test beds. Read more...
Das erfolgreiche ScopeCorder Modell DL950 von Yokogawa wird um eine neue Geräte-Option im Bereich der High-Speed Datenerfassung sowie um verschiedene Firmware-Funktionen erweitert.
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