Energy used by office equipment and home appliances is one of the fastest growing sources of electricity consumption in the world. It currently accounts for several percent of total commercial sector electricity use. However, research shows that much of this energy is wasted because office equipment and home appliances sit idle for long periods throughout the day as well as overnight and weekends. To reduce power consumption on standby mode, new control technologies are being developed to perform and regulate intermittent power control.
PZ4000 is an ideal solution for the measurement of power and current from the intermittent control action. With the PZ4000, fluctuating waveform data can be captured over a long period, and you can set the averaging period for power measurement.
Performance required from power meter
Der Leistungsanalysator PZ4000 ist insbesondere für transiente Leistungsanalyse im Kurzzeitbereich bestimmt. Hohe Bandbreite und Abtastrate (5 MHz bzw.5 MS/S) sowie tiefer Speicher kombiniert mit zahlreichen Oszilloskop-Funktionen zur Untersuchung einmaliger Phänomene.