Yokogawa ist weltweit führender Hersteller von hochgenauen, digitalen Leistungsmessinstrumenten. Die Leistungsmesstechnik von Yokogawa zeichnet sich durch höchste Präzision, Stabilität und Zuverlässigkeit aus. Konservative Spezifikation und ein solider Aufbau garantieren einen langlebigen Einsatz der Geräte, welcher weit über den vergleichbarer Messinstrumente hinausgeht. Das Produktspektrum startet bei einem tragbaren Netzqualitätsanalysator und endet bei Referenzgeräten der höchsten Genauigkeitsklasse.
Der Präzisions-Leistungsanalysator WT5000 definiert die neue Referenz in der Leistungsmesstechnik mit einer aktuell weltweit höchsten Grundgenauigkeit von ± (0,01 % des Messwerts + 0,02 % des Effektivwert-Messbereichs). Jedes erdenkliche Anwenderszenario wird durch die modulare Bauweise (Self-Service) sowie durch die mögliche Kaskadierung realisiert: bis zu 28 Leistungsmesskanäle plus 16 Motoreingänge gewährleisten vollumfängliche Messungen. Die neue „Digital Parallelpfad-Technologie“, wie auch die Harmonischen-Analyse (bis zur 500. Ordnung) runden den Leistungsumfang ab.
Der WT1800E ist ein flexibler und zuverlässiger Leistungsanalysator, der eine Leistungsmessgenauigkeit von ±(0,05 % des Messwerts + 0,05 % des Effektivwert-Messbereichs) gewährleistet. Er kann Oberschwingungen bis zur 500. Ordnung der 50/60-Hz-Grundfrequenz analysieren. Mit bis zu 6 Eingangskanälen, vielfältigen Anzeige- und Analyse-Funktionen sowie PC-Schnittstellen ist der WT1800E ideal für unterschiedlichste Anforderungen aus den Bereichen Energieeffizienz und Analyse von Oberschwingungen geeignet.
Kompakt und einfach einzusetzen. Der Leistungsanalysator für Anwendungen rund um die Erzeugung erneuerbarer Energien. Strombereich: 0,5 bis 40 A, Spannungsbereich: 15 bis 1000 V, Grundgenauigkeit: 0,2 %, Frequenzbereich: DC bis 100 kHz. Standardmäßig mit Stern/Dreieck Umrechnung und simultaner Oberschwingungsanalyse.
Die kompakten Leistungsmessgeräte der Serie WT300E zeichnen sich durch eine Grundgenauigkeit von ±(0,1 % des Messwerts + 0,05 % des Effektivwert-Messbereichs) aus und sind ideal für die Messung des Stromverbrauchs von elektrischen Geräten sowie für Untersuchungen in den Bereichen Energieeffizienz und Energieeinsparung geeignet.
Yokogawa hat beim PX8000 seine langjährigen Erfahrungen aus den Bereichen der Leistungsmessgeräte und Oszilloskope gebündelt und eine revolutionäre Test- und Messlösung entwickelt: das weltweit erste Precision Power Scope – ideal für die transiente Leistungsmessung.
Der CW500 von Yokogawa ist ein tragbares Leistungsmessgerät, das mittels Stromzangen, Navigationsmenüs und Schnellstart-Guides benutzerfreundlich Messungen zum Stromverbrauch und zur Netzqualität im Feld gemäß dem Standard IEC 6100-4-30 Klasse S durchführen kann.
Die Leistungsmesstechnik von Yokogawa zeichnet sich durch höchste Präzision und Stabilität und beste Leistung im Hinblick auf Genauigkeit, Lesbarkeit, simultane Messfunktionen, fortschrittliche Berechnungen sowie Oberwellen- und Flicker-Messungen aus.
Das Zubehör für digitale Leistungsanalysatoren beinhaltet: Stromzangen, Stromsensoren und Stromwandler für die Messung großer Ströme.
Mit der WT5000 Transformator-Version bietet Yokogawa ein Präzisions-Leistungsmessgerät, welches speziell auf die Bedürfnisse von Transformatoren-Hersteller zugeschnitten ist. Dabei kombiniert der WT5000TR Langzeitstabilität und Störfestigkeit mit der weltweit höchsten Messgenauigkeit bei Leistungsfaktoren bis hinunter zu 0,001 und ist damit ideal für die Forschung & Entwicklung, sowie für Produktions- und Abnahmeprüfungen (bspw. Kurzschluss- und Leerlaufmessungen) von Transformatoren.
Modell | WT5000 | WT3000E | WT1800E | WT500 | WT300E | PX8000 |
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Anzahl der Eingangskanäle (je Strom/Spannung) |
1 bis 7, skaliert bis 28 |
1 bis 4, skaliert bis 16 |
1 bis 6, skaliert bis 24 |
1 bis 3 | 1 bis 3 | 1 bis 4, skaliert bis 20 |
Drehzahl- & Drehmomenteingang | JA (4), skaliert bis 16 |
JA (1), skaliert bis 4 |
JA (1), skaliert bis 4 |
NEIN | NEIN | JA (AUX Eingangsmodul) |
Grundgenauigkeit bei Leistungsmessungen (60 Hz) |
Leistung: 0,01 % des Messwerts + 0,02 % des Bereichs |
Leistung: 0,01 % des Messwerts + 0,03 % des Bereichs |
Leistung: 0,05 % des Messwerts + 0,05 % des Bereichs |
Leistung: 0,1 % des Messwerts + 0,1 % des Bereichs |
Leistung: 0,1 % des Messwerts + 0,05 % des Bereichs |
Leistung: 0,1 % des Messwerts + 0,1 % des Bereichs |
Frequenzbereich für Leistungsmessungen |
DC 0,1 Hz bis 1 MHz |
DC 0,1 Hz bis 1 MHz |
DC 0,1 Hz bis 1 MHz |
DC 0,5 Hz bis 100 kHz |
DC 0,1 Hz bis 100 kHz |
DC bis 1 MHz |
A/D-Wandler | 18 Bit 10 MS/s |
16 Bit 200 kS/s |
16 Bit 2 MS/s |
16 Bit 100 kS/s |
16 Bit 100 kS/s |
12 Bit 100 MS/s |
Effektivwert-Spannungsbereiche | 1,5 V - 1000 V | 15 V - 1000 V | 1,5 V - 1000 V | 15 V - 1000 V | 15 V - 600 V | 1,5 V - 1000 V |
Effektivwert-Strombereiche | (5 A Element): 5 mA - 5 A; (30 A Element): 0,5 A - 30 A beide Elemente können kombiniert werden |
(2 A Element): 5 mA - 2 A; (30 A Element): 0,5 A - 30 A beide Elemente können kombiniert werden |
(5 A Element): 10 mA - 5 A; (50 A Element): 1 A - 50 A beide Elemente können kombiniert werden |
0,5 A - 40 A | (WT310E): 5 mA - 20 A (WT310EH): 1 A - 40 A (WT330E): 0,5 A - 20 A |
10 mA bis 5 A |
Harmonischen Analyse (Grundschwingung) |
0,1 Hz - 300.000 Hz max. 500 Harmonische |
10 Hz - 2.600 Hz max. 100 Harmonische |
0,5 Hz - 2.600 Hz max. 500 Harmonische |
10 Hz - 1.200 Hz max. 50 Harmonische |
10 Hz - 1.200 Hz max. 50 Harmonische |
20 Hz - 409.600 Hz max. 500 Harmonische |
unabhängige Bereichseinstellung | JA | JA | JA | JA | NEIN | JA |
Display-Typ | 10,1" TFT LCD Touchscreen | 8,4" TFT-Farb-LCD | 8,4" TFT-XGA-Farb-LCD | 5,7" TFT-Farb-LCD | 4 x 7-Segment-LED-Anzeigen | 10,4" TFT-Farb-LCD |
Speicher | USB-Speicherstick; 2 GB intern; Optional 32 GB intern |
PC Card; USB- Speicherstick; 30 MB intern | USB-Speicherstick; 32 MB intern | USB- Speicherstick; 20 MB intern | Speicher für maximal 600 Messwerte (nur interne Nutzung) |
16 GB SD- und SDHC-Karte, USB-Speicherstick |
Kommunikations- Schnittstellen |
Standard: GP-IB, Gigabit-Ethernet (1000Base-T), USB 3.0 | Standard: GP-IB, Optional: RS-232, Ethernet, USB | Standard: GP-IB, USB, Ethernet | Standard: USB Optional: GP-IB, Ethernet |
Standard: USB, RS-232 oder GP-IB Optional: Ethernet |
Standard: GP-IB, USB, Ethernet |
Garantie | 3 Jahre Standard |
TOP-Merkmale des Precision Power Scopes PX8000
Leistung trifft auf Präzision.
Mehr Details und Download des Flyers
TOP-Merkmale des Precision Power Analyzers WT5000
Weltweit höchste Genauigkeit und Präzision.
Mehr Details und Download des Flyers
TOP-Merkmale des Präzisions-Leistungsanalysators WT1800E
Genauigkeit – Stabilität – Flexibilität.
Mehr Details und Download des Flyers
TOP-Merkmale des digitalen Leistungsmessers WT300E
30 Jahre Zuverlässigkeit - der weltweite Bestseller.
Mehr Details und Download des Flyers
TOP-Merkmale des Leistungsanalysators WT500
Präzise Leistungsmessung in kompakter, leicht transportabler Bauform mit Farb-Display und in gewohnter Yokogawa Qualität.
Mehr Details und Download des Flyers
TOP-Merkmale des Netzqualitätsanalysators CW500
Energie- und Verbrauchsmessung, Leckstrommessung, Harm. Analyse (bis zur 50.), Netzüberwachung, Flickermessung.
Mehr Details und Download des Flyers
【search key】 WT5, WT50, WT500, WT
Maximum torque per ampere (MTPA) is an optimization strategy for the control of electric motors and drives that employ field-oriented control (FOC), particularly with electric vehicles (EVs) and industrial automation applications. The goal of MTPA is to achieve the maximum possible torque output from a motor for a given current input.
Maximum power point tracking (MPPT) charge controllers play a crucial role in the optimization of renewable energy system efficiency and performance. Through dynamic tracking of a renewable energy source’s maximum power point, an MPPT controller enables more efficient energy harvesting, faster charging, and adaptability to changing environmental conditions.
Detailed measurement methods, supply voltage settings, and others are specified for the harmonic/flicker standard test.
【search key】 WT1, WT18, WT180, WT3, WT30, WT5, WT50, WT500, WT
Energy consumption in low-power and standby modes is an important issue due to increased awareness that energy resources are becoming limited and demand for energy-saving household electrical appliances continues to grow. IEC62301 Ed2.0 (2011) and EN 50564:2011 define standby mode as the lowest energy consumption of an appliance not performing its main function, when connected to the mains. IEC62301 Ed2.0 (2011) defines test methods and requirements for both the mains supply and the test equipment. It is crucial that design and test engineers choose highly accurate power measurement tools to confirm that their devices meet these requirements.
Harmonic measurements
Leistungsmessung - Neue Referenzklasse
Elektrische Leistungsmessung: An den Grenzen der Physik
Wirkungsgradbestimmung von elektrischen Maschinen
Government agencies that define the standardization of energy efficiency metrics continue to be a driving force behind the development of the next generation electric vehicle powertrains. These metrics require manufacturers to have high confidence in their measurements and motivate the optimization of efficiency.
Standards driving energy efficiency classifications are a driving force behind the development of the next generation of motor and drive technologies. Learn more here.
Technische Konzepte für autonomes Fahren
Robert Bosch AS–Seite 4
Neues im Osten–Seite 3
Präzise Leistungsmessung
am Umrichter
Matthias Schöberle–Seite 7
TrustMe das Messunsicherheits-
berechnungstool–Seite 12
Mehr Bandbreite -
Ohne Aufpreis–Seite 12
"Error(Code:846): Attempted to start integration while measurement of peak overflow was in progress"The following error code will appear if Peak Over has occurred and you attempt to start integration. The WT3000 has two ...
The AC Power Input in all Yokogawa instruments is designed as a 3-pin connection (one of which is a GND pin). In some parts of the world, PCs are sold with AC power cables that are 2-pin. Often times this means the ...
It is not necessary to specify the accuracy for PST values outside the range of 1.0, as any value larger than 1.0 is non-standard. The standard (IEC 61000-3-3) requires that the value of the short-term light ...
The WT1600 can support printers that have the following commands. ESC-P ESC-P2 (for printers that support ESC/P raster commands) BJ PCL5 LIPS3 Post Script Before attempting to connect a Network Printer to the WT1600, ...
The circuit design for the line filters used on the WT & PZ series instruments are similar to Butterworth filters but have been redesigned. We redesigned the original filtering characteristic to obtain a ...
There are no built-in over temperature protection devices in the WT3000. The official operating range covered by warranty is listed at 5°C - 40°C. Our own internal test have revealed that it is possible to ...
The part numbers for the 2 piece screws in the WT210 Rack Mount Kit (751533-E2) are listed below: Y9414LB: Binding-head screw (M4, 14mm long) Y9414EB: Flat-head screw (M4,14mm long) If you wish to purchase the screws ...
Yes, the AUX inputs on the WT1800 can be used in the Math functions. For example, if you wanted to measure a DC bus input using the AUX inputs (input elements not connected), you would scale one of the AUX inputs to ...
When making a WT230 Digital Power Meter RS232C connection using GateWT, please verify the following RS232C communication settings on the instrument: Mode = 488.2 Hand = 0 For = 0 Baud Rate = 9600 Terminator Cr+Lf Even though you can run ...
The D/A output of the WT230 Power Meter uses a 24-Pin Centronics type connector. For additional informating regarding the 24-Pin Centronics Connector, please refer to the attached PDF and click on the link below.
You can read the average active power during continuous integration mode (just before the integral resets) for the WT230, by monitoring the status of the ITG or ITM bits of the extended event register. Bit 1 ITG is ...
Although WTViewer is not officially supported under the Linux environment, users have successfully done so using WINE (flavor of Linux) via RS232. For connectivity to WT210/WT230, WTViewer requires that the meter be set ...
It is possible to lock out all the keys, including LOCAL, on the WT210/WT230 using a GPIB specific or controller specific command.For the GPIB controller from National Instruments, the command is called LLO or Local ...
To use the WT3000 with the Flicker Software, the WT3000 Precision Power Analyzer must have the following options: /G6 option - Advanced Calculations /FL option - Flicker Measurements 1 to 3 elements - 30A Input Module Note: The 2A input ...
Yes, please contact your nearest Yokogawa representative for more details.
Please download the attached PDF file for a list of pinouts for various communication cables.
Although Yokogawa does not have any official recommendation for USB to Serial converters, it is possible to use some USB to RS232 DB9 Adapter Cables. If you choose to use a laptop PC without RS232C port, please use ...
The following product tutorial guides have been created for the WT and PZ Series Power Meter and Analyzer instruments and are available for download. Each tutorial contains quick and easy steps to help you get started ...
Yes, it is possible to alter the standard model WE7000. The following is a list of range standard special order specifications and correspond models. Current Range 1/10 A Model: WT1010, WT1030, WT1030M, WT2010, ...
The WT1000/WT2000 series instrument uses a BNC connector for the external shunt input terminal. The output terminal of the 751550 Clamp Probe is a banana plug. Please use the 366921 Banana-to-BNC Conversion Adapter to ...
Output function: HArWhen the default output item is set to 1, the printout time for up to the 50th order is about 116 seconds. The printout time for up to the 25th order is about 75 seconds. Output function: HArWhen the ...
You can use the Power Viewer (Model 253734) software. However if you only need to view waveforms, we recommend you use the Waveform Viewer (Model 700919, version 1.23 or later) software. The trial version of the Power ...
The actual display update rate is shown below for observation times from 2 ms to 100 ms. 2 ms : 0.8 s 4 ms : 0.9 s 10 ms : 1.2 s 20 ms : 1.8 s 40 ms : 1.8 s 100 ms : 1.8 s Measurement Conditions Modules mounted : ...
The output resolution for the WT3000 is 16-bits.
When the selected data update cycle of the fundamental wave is shorter than the width of the analysis window determined by the fundamental frequency (cycle of the fundamental wave), measurement is not performed and no ...
Selecting formulas for calculating apparent power and reactive powerThere are several types of power—active power, reactive power, and apparent power. Generally, the following equations are satisfied:Active power P = ...
With RS232C, the response time depends on settings other than the communications speed. An actual measurement example is given below at 1 byte=10 bits (start bit: 1 bit, data: 8 bits, stop bit: 1 bit, no parity) with a ...
The frequency display and D/A output can handle only one input element at a time, either the voltage or the current. When either the V Hz or A Hz display function indicators are lit in display C, the frequency ...
NO, you should not use the instrument with both the direct input and external sensor terminals wired. Doing so will put the user at risk of electric shock and could damage the instrument. This is because the ...
You can use the "STATUS:ESSR?" command to access the extended event register and determine whether the data was updated. You can judge the data update status by referencing bit 1 (DAV) of this register. However to do ...
Send the appropriate command as shown below to your instrument, then read in all the data that is returned. PZ4000: "NUMERIC:NORMAL:VALUE?" WT1600: "NUMERIC:NORMAL:VALUE?" WT100/200 series ...
Send the "OFDO" command.This command turns all items for output OFF. Therefore no items will be output if you send the "OD" command. Send the "OF1,1" command to the measuring instrument. This command turns the voltage ...
To change the voltage range on element 1 to the 30 V range, send the "RV1,4" command to the measuring instrument. To change the current range on element 1 to the 1 A range, send the "RA1,5" command to the measuring ...
Send the "NUMERIC:FORMAT:ASCII" command This sets the data format for the data you want to read out. Measured data read out using the "NUMERIC:NORMAL:VALUE?" command is output as an ASCII string. Send the ...
Send the "OF1,1,1" commandThis command sets the voltage value (V) from element 1 to output to channel 1 (from among the 14 output channels), and causes the voltage of element 1 to be read out. In the same manner, make ...
Send the "MEASURE:NORMAL:ITEM:PRESET:CLEAR" command to the measuring instrument. This command turns all items for output OFF. Therefore no items will be output if you send the "MEASURE:NORMAL:VALUE?" command. Send the ...
You can determine whether data was updated by performing a serial poll and referencing the status byte.Bit 0 of the status byte (D101) changes to 1 when data is updated. When bit 0 changes to 1, bit 6 (D107) also ...
You can use the "STATUS:ESSR?" command to access the extended event register and determine whether the data was updated. You can judge the data update status by referencing bit 0 (UPD) of this register. However to do ...
To change the voltage range on element 1 to 30 V, send the "INPUT:VOLTAGE:RANGE:ELEMENT1 30V" command to the measuring instrument.To change the current range on element 1 to the 1 A range, send the ...
To change the voltage range on element 1 to 30 V, send the "CONFIGURE:VOLTAGE:RANGE:ELEMENT1 30V" command to the measuring instrument.To change the current range on element 1 to the 1 A range, send the ...
To change the voltage range on element 1 to 30 V, send the "CONFIGURE:VOLTAGE:RANGE 30V" command to the measuring instrument.To change the current range on element 1 to the 1 A range, send the "CONFIGURE:CURRENT:RANGE ...
The waveform may actually not be a pure sine wave. Even though a 50/60 Hz sine wave is expected, the following factors may be involved: The waveform is slightly distorted (harmonic components are mixed in) Small ...
Check for differences in the specifications or features of the instruments. For values that do not match when inputting a 50/60 sine wave Check whether the value is within the specifications (error) of each power ...
The measurement intervals of the measured I/O data must overlap exactly. Check the sync source setting. For example, route the input to a three-phase device under measurement to input elements 1-3 on the power meter, ...
Check for differences in the specifications or features of the instruments. For values that do not match when inputting a 50/60 sine wave Check whether the value is within the specifications (error) of each power ...
In the three-phase three-wire, or 3V3A wiring scheme, the phase angle of voltage between each input element is 60 degrees because it is the line to line voltage that is measured. Please download and refer to the ...
In the three-phase three-wire, or 3V3A wiring scheme, the phase angle of voltage and current input to each input differs from that of the actual load because it is the line to line voltage that is measured. In ...
When measuring input signals of distorted waves, signals that are DC-offset or signals that include superimposed harmonic components, will result in different values for power factor and phase angle than those expected ...
The peak value and crest factor may be unstable if they have not been captured accurately. If the peak value is not stable, neither will the crest factor be stable. The cause is the difficulty in capturing the narrow ...
The difference in measurement values can be attributed to the difference in calculation methods for normal mode and harmonic mode. The voltage, current, and power in normal mode are displayed as the total of the ...
The following may be causing the problem. 5V may have occurred during rating. Check the range setting again. DA output error can affect the values when the input is smaller than the rating. Have you checked the error ...
Check the Synch Source and Frequency Filter settings When a single-phase signal being measured fluctuates around power factor of 1.Slight fluctuations in the measured values of voltage, current, and power can cause a ...
A quick and simple way of accessing the measurement data from a CSV file saved by the WT1800 is to use the MATLAB import wizard. In MATLAB, simply click on File > Import Data.... You can also use the MATLAB built-in ...
To use USB interface on the WT500 and WT1800 Power Analyzer from NI LabVIEW environment, you will need to use the USB driver from National Instruments. This USB driver is usually installed when you install NI-VISA and is called the ...
To measure inrush current on the WT1800, you will need to define and use the IPPEAKMAX() user defined function in combination with the Max Hold feature. A complete tutorial with instrument settings and how-to procedures ...
There are restrictions of the DSP hardware. WT230 and WT210 are low-cost power meters. So, a low-cost, modest performance DSP utilized.This DSP has slow calculation. WT3000 is performing complicated ...
The WT1800 allows you the ability to create and load your own custom display for special application needs. You will not only be able to generate your own custom background but you will be able to change the displayed ...
What is the maximum size of ATA Flash Card we can use with the WT3000? The maximum size of the card to save data is 16GByte. The maximum size of the card used for firmware updating procss is limited to 256MByte.(A ...
The WT3000 enables users to save the waveform data via two methods: waveform displayed data, and waveform sampled data. The number of data points saved by the waveform displayed data method is compressed to a total ...
In the manual IM-WT1801-01EN, the following sentences are written. Fundamental Measurement ConditionsAll the settings for the fundamental measurement conditions for high speed data capturing are the same as those for ...
When the WT1600 Digital Power Analyzer is set into Integration mode, the averaged power (watt) values can be calculated and displayed. This is available only by using the User-Defined Function feature found in the MEASURE button menu. The ...
It is possible to measure the phase difference by using the function φU1(1)-U2(1) in Hamonics Measurement Mode.In this mode, if the wiring pattern is set to 1P2W, the PZ4000 will display no value (----). It is ...
The WT1800 and WT3000 series digital power analyzer offer two calculation methods, Type1 and Type3, for apparent and reactive power. Type1:The WT will first calculate the RMS voltage Urms, current Irms, and active ...
The Urms and Umn values can be simultaneously read and retrieved using communication commands, only if the instrument is in WT300 IEE 488.2 mode. The WT300 has two communication command modes:IEE 488.2 in WT210/WT230 ...
To programmatically read all 500 harmonic orders measurement values, please use the ":NUMERIC:LIST" command set. The maximum number of items for the :NUMERIC:LIST:VALUE? command is 64. However, 1 LIST ITEM can ...
You can not use LabVIEW and WTviewer to communicate with the PC using same USB driver. The USB driver for LabVIEW and the USB driver for WTviewer is different. Yokogawa's YKMUSB driver is used by WTviewer ...
Yes, the WT210 will meet or exceed all requirements set by the Energy Star guideline. Please see the attached documents for more details.
There are several items you will need to check and verify to solve this issue. Verify the GP-IB connectionSome instruments have a D/A output connector located next to the GP-IB connector. There have been some ...
Unfortunately the WT3000 cannot display the RMS and DC values of voltage/current at the same time, even if you use the user-defined function feature. You must select either RMS or DC mode in the Voltage/Current Range ...
Please refer to the attached Excel spreadsheet for complete information regarding the RS232 cable pinouts used with by the WT & PZ Series Power Analyzers.
The IEC Harmonic analysis on the DL/DLM series oscilloscopes provides a rough analysis and estimation for harmonic testing. The scope will perform an FFT on the current waveform and can be used to measure the general ...
The actual display update rate for the WT500 Power Analyzer will depend on the input signal and the trigger setting. In addition, there may be a very small trigger delay (several milliseconds) if the input signal does not match the ...
The value depends on the model of the power analyzer. For Precision Power Analyzer WT1000, WT2000, WT100, and WT200, it is fixed to the fundamental wave. For power analyzers with 7 segments LED, the relative harmonic content is fixed to the ...
"Zero level correction" is performed only when the setting initialization accompanies one of the following change. Switching normal measurement/harmonics measurement. Switching the voltage range. Switching the current ...
The Precision Power Analyzer WT3000 D/A output terminal is electrically isolated from the case. For all other models, the D/A output terminal is connected to the case.
Yes, by using the User-Defined Function feature, the WT1600 can display the average power value during integration. Enter the following equation to calculate the average power for Element ...
Yes, if the instrument is in auto-range, zero level correction will still be executed.
The impedance of the 366924 and the 366925 BNC cable is 50 Ω.
Can Xviewer.exe be run as multiple instance? No - not at this time. Xviewer can not control two or more DL850 chassis. Xviewer can not connect to two or more instruments at the same time. Two or more Xviewer ...
When using WTViewerFree to automatically save data in CSV format, a lack of memory may occur due to increasing load on anti-virus software such as Virus Buster. As the data save time becomes longer, the CSV file will ...
The following softwares have been tested for Windows 7 compatibility. WTViewer Xviewer SL1000 Acquisition Software USB Instrument Drivers for all USB supported instruments TMCTL Library Files for programming with VB, ...
Projektarbeit mit dem WT1800E
Präzises Messen macht Schule
Schülerinnen und Schüler schon in der Sekundarstufe I für technisch anspruchsvolle Themen zu interessieren kann einfach sein – oder hochkomplex
Damit Wechselrichter für Elektrofahrzeuge in der Praxis problemlos funktionieren, müssen entwicklungsbegleitend realitätsnahe Prüfungen durchgeführt werden. ZF verfügt hierfür am Standort Auerbach über einen flexiblen Prüfstand.
Yokogawas Zeitreise
Messaufgaben im Wandel der Zeit. Ein Rück- und Ausblick auf die Rolle der Messtechnik von Yokogawa von 1915 bis 2045.
Stromwandler und Spannungsteiler testen
Signaltec und Yokogawa ergänzen sich seit vielen Jahren im Bereich der Leistungsmesstechnik perfekt. Yokogawa liefert Messgeräte und Signaltec unterstützt die Kunden u.a. mit Messbereichserweiterungen und Know-how. Diese Erweiterungen muss Signaltec natürlich auch selbst prüfen.
Are you achieving the levels of accuracy you need?
This article outlines the top reasons for inaccuracies in power measurements and how to tackle them.
Download the article to learn about:
This training module covers the following topics:
As the manufacturer of the world's first drone to combine Vertical Take Off and Landing (VTOL) and forward flight, ATMOS UAV needed to perform highly accurate motor system testing, while keeping the test time as short as possible. Discover how Marlyn exceeded all expectations in terms of reliability and was successfully launched in an extremely competitive market.
The current sensor element for the Yokogawa Test&Measurement WT5000 Precision Power Analyzer is ideal for applications requiring a current transformer for high-current measurements. The internal DC power supply simplifies preparations before measurement, requiring only a connecting cable and eliminating the external power supply.
The WT5000, an industry-leading power analyzer, features seven field-removeable elements, 10 MS/s, 1 MHz power bandwidth, 18-bit resolution, and 0.03% basic power accuracy. Yokogawa Test&Measurement continues to innovate on the platform, enabling /D7 data streaming, /G7 harmonics, and flicker analysis.
The new current sensor element replaces the traditional current inputs and includes a sensor input terminal with integrated ±15V power supply, eliminating the need for an external power supply. The isolated voltage terminals remain the same as the 5A and 30A elements.
In diesem Video-Podcast wird das Precision Power Scope PX8000 vorgestellt. Dies ist das weltweit erste Messgerät, das die zeitbasierte Messung von Oszilloskopen in die Welt der Leistungsmesstechnik bringt. Es kann Spannungs- und Stromsignale genau erfassen und ermöglicht damit neue Anwendungen und Lösungen für unterschiedlichste Aufgaben in der Leistungsmessung.
Test and measurement engineering work groups can have differing priorities and requirements, which often results in multiple instrumentation systems and data file formats, as well as incompatible reporting. This lack of effective communication between groups and instruments causes decreased efficiency and quality and increased spending and time to market. Unify test and measurement instrumentation, software, and data across engineering teams with a suite of solutions that caters to the different needs of engineering work groups, including accurate power data, fast sampling rates, long recordings of multiple different input types, and insights into waveform data.
This video demonstrates how to measure transient phenomena on power signals using the Yokogawa Test&Measurement PX8000 Precision Power Scope.
In several applications, especially those testing AC power to a standard such as IEC61000-3-11, the voltage and current signals must be monitored to confirm there are no major dips and/or swells in the signal. This can be done with instruments capable of reporting rms values, including power analyzers, traditional oscilloscopes, and some data acquisition systems.
To test to a standard, however, the instrument must have an accuracy spec that is traceable back to a national standard of calibration such as ISO17025 or NIST.
Having multiple memory options allows engineering groups to optimize how data is stored, no matter if you need to record for a long time at slower sampling rates, do a fast capture at high sampling rates, or anything in between.
The Yokogawa Test&Measurement DL950 ScopeCorder operates as an oscilloscope and incorporates the ability to record data for long periods of time like a data acquisition recorder. There are four memory types on the DL950 ScopeCorder: internal memory, solid state drive, flash memory, and PC storage through the IS8000 Integrated Test and Measurement Software Platform. This videos talks about the advantages of each of these and how to pick the best data recording method for you.
This video demonstrates how to test to an IEC standard (IEC 61000) using a Yokogawa Test&Measurement WT5000 Precision Power Analyzer and the harmonic flicker testing software. The software automates the process of judging if the device under test is compliant with the chosen standard and allows you to output the necessary test reports for your records.
With ongoing innovations in motor and inverter technologies seeking to advance global decarbonization objectives in the automotive industry, it’s crucial that engineers have a thorough understanding of how to properly analyze these systems.
This complimentary webinar provides engineering professionals involved in motor and control system development with insights that enable data benchmarking and troubleshooting issues related to energy efficiency in electric vehicle (EV) powertrains.
Key webinar topics include:
Although DC power measurements can be fairly straightforward, complexities with AC power measurements arise when dealing with distorted waveforms, fluctuating power factors, and multiple phases, which introduce intricacies that complicate an otherwise simple measurement process.
This on-demand webinar provides an informative dive into the various fundamental aspects of power measurement and includes:
Engineers in transportation, power generation, consumer electronics and industrial equipment are facing complex measurement challenges as they adopt faster development cycles to meet changing market requirements while complying with stringent quality standards. In this 45 minute webinar you will learn about how next generation power analyzers, such as the new Yokogawa WT5000, can help engineers get reliable and actionable insights from their test bench or measurement setup.
While DC power measurements are relatively straight forward, AC power measurements that include distorted waveforms, varying power factors, and multiple phases can add complexity to an otherwise simple measurement. During this webinar, we cover multiple fundamentals of power measurement.
Key topics include:
As energy efficiency becomes an important consideration for governments, industries and markets, engineers are looking to extract product efficiency by optimizing power consumption and reducing losses. This makes accurate measurement of power an important element of quality control all the way from the design phase through to production and field operation.
This webinar explores some of the key factors in power measurement to help you extract the best accuracy for your measurements.
Key areas covered include:
• Measurement and uncertainty
• Influence of power factor, harmonics, temperature, CMRR and external sensors
• Measurement ranges: RMS, Peak and Crest factor considerations
• Calibration, adjustment and drift
Drivetrain testing service providers require flexibility to meet diverse customer needs, from component suppliers to major car manufacturers. ATESTEO in Kassel, Germany sought adaptable test solutions for their automotive test beds. Read more...
Electric vehicle (EV) manufacturers strive for top-notch performance, efficiency, reliability, and range. To ensure this, they rely on specialists like Intertek. With its EV Testing Centre in Milton Keynes, UK, Intertek aids in refining electric motors, batteries, and drivetrains. Read more...
KEB Automation is using Yokogawa’s WT5000 Precision Power analyzer to develop the latest generation of frequency converters for variable speed drives, ensuring they meet the latest EU energy efficiency regulations.
Yokogawa Test&Measurement announces that its WT5000 Precision Power Analyzer has been used by Solar Team Twente to win the first ever Solar Challenge Morocco. The WT5000 helped Solar Team Twente to squeeze every last watt out of its car’s solar power system, ensuring it crossed the finish line of the 2,500 km course in first place.
Yokogawa präsentiert die Transformatorversion des Präzisions-Leistungsanalysators. Sie ermöglicht es den Herstellern von Transformatoren, hoch effiziente Produkte für die Energie- und Versorgungswirtschaft zu entwickeln und zu validieren.
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